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1.____,the more severe the winters are .

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 01:07:51
1.____,the more severe the winters are .
A.the farther you go to the north
B.the farther north you go
2.Water ranks___on the list of all—time safe fluids.
A.high B.highly C.higher D.height
1.____,the more severe the winters are .
A.the farther you go to the north
B.the farther north you go
析:the more ..., the more...句型.前一句相当于一个条件句=If you go., the winters are more severe.
我们知道,north可以作副词.go north= go to the north. 表示“往北去,到北方去”.
但是,go to the north是不需要再加一副词状语(far)修饰的,要加,也是形容词far:if you go to the far north. 所以A句应为the farther north you go to, ...
而go north,在副词north前可以加上一个程度副词far:go far north, 所以B:the farther north you go,.,才是正确的.
2.Water ranks___on the list of all-time safe fluids.
A.high B.highly C.higher D.height
higher是比较级,句中应有比较对象than any other safe fluid. 排除C.
high 和highly 都可以作副词.前者表示具体可见的“高高地”,如:The plane is flying high. 后者表示抽象的“高度地”如:speak highly of sb. 高度赞扬某人.在一个列表中,从上往下,列出一串的safe fluids, 其物理位置是有high和low的,water 不一定是最高,但也是很高的.
wide, widely, deep, deeply, close, closely, 这几组副词的区别和high, highly 相同.