作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 09:59:35
1—5 CBBCA 6—10 BCBAC 11—15 CABAA 16—20 CCABA
21—25 BDACD 26—30 ADACB 31—35 CCBDB
36—40 BADBA 41—45 CDCAD 46—50 BCADA 51—55 CBCBD
56—60 DBBCA 61—65 DACBB 66—70 ACBAD
71. speaking / talking72. important / vital / significant 73. how 74. choose
75. positive76. influence / impact 77. rid 
78. enables / allows / helps 79. humor  80. Working
One possible version:
Volunteer spirit is rooted in the hearts of many people, especially young people in China. In recent years, there have been large numbers of volunteers devoting their time and effort to people in need.
The picture shows us a touching moment when two volunteers help a disabled man in a wheelchair. Realizing it would be impossible for the man to get to the top all by himself, the volunteers carry the wheelchair with difficulty step by step up the stairs.
This picture reminds me of many volunteers in my school, my community and our country, helping not just the disabled, but also those who can’t find their way around, or those who suffer from misfortune. Volunteers make a difference to these people when they bring them warmth, comfort and relief.
I would be happy to be a volunteer, too, and help the senior citizens in the House for the Aged regularly so that they will not feel lonely but enjoy their life to the full.
Text 1
W: Bob, you are reading this book? I thought you disliked it.
M: Yes, it’s full of strange ideas with common photos, but it provides some technical data that might be useful in my study.
Text 2
W: Come on. Plenty of room here. Fares, please!
M: Two to the beach. How much is it?
W: Three dollars.
Text 3
W: Excuse me! I don’t have time to waste. I’ve been here almost one full hour!
M: Sorry, madam. You have to wait your turn. There’s no place for parking now.
Text 4
W: Bill, your work is too messy.
M: I’ll pay attention to my handwriting next time.
W: Is this a promise?
M: Yes, I’m serious this time.
Text 5
W: Oh, dear! It’s eight flights up!
M: That’s all right. We’ll get used to it. After all, we’re a little further away from the street and traffic noise and there’s no one living over us.
Text 6
W: I’m having a hard time getting the information for my report.
M: That’s easy. You only have to search the Internet to get what you want.
W: Really? But how?
M: So click here, then up to the top. Then open that window. Yeah, that one.
W: Er...Hum...Got it.
M: And that’s it. You’re done.
W: I see. That is pretty easy after all. Now I can get what I need in my room!
Text 7
W: Sir, may I please see your license? Do you know how fast you were going?
M: No, I’m not sure. I think about 65 miles per hour, right?
W: You’re not sure? You were going at 90 miles per hour! That’s 25 miles per hour over the legal speed limit! How can you explain your behavior?
M: Well, I was using a cell phone. While I did that I was listening to music, and eating some food.
W: I’ll have to give you a ticket. Be more careful next time.
Text 8
M: What are you reading about in that science magazine?
W: There are several interesting articles in it. I’ve just finished reading one about cloning.
M: I don’t like the idea of that. I don’t want people to copy me or any other people. It could be very confusing.
W: According to the article, you have no real need to worry. Research nowadays is focusing on cloning parts of a human body to replace damaged or lost parts, not on recreating a whole human being.
M: If so, we can benefit from it.
W: In this article, scientists say that if you took the genes from someone and tried to create a copy of a person, there’s no guarantee that the copy would look or act like the original!
M: Really? What else have you discovered?
W: I read about how scientists are using material from plants and animals to create new medicines.
M: That’s great, because it uses natural materials rather than ones that scientists make themselves. I prefer natural medicines to man-made ones.
Text 9
W: Let’s have seafood tonight and then go see the new movie at Mall Cinema. It’s a beautiful love story.
M: Oh, goodness, please not again. That’s what we did last week.
W: No, we didn’t. Last week we went to see that movie about a man’s struggle against illness.
M: Right, that was intended for women, just like this one. Besides, this is the last week for Rush Hour. And action movies like that need to be seen in a theatre on a big screen.
W: Oh, yeah, I did promise to see it with you. But you liked that movie, didn’t you?
M: Oh, sure, it was great. I had popcorn for dinner and paid the price of a movie ticket to get a two-hour sleep.
W: It wasn’t that bad and we went to an excellent restaurant.
M: That place doesn’t have a single meat dish. Just fish and you know I don’t like fish that much.
W: And I don’t like meat that much. The only meat I eat is chicken.
M: But when I pick the restaurant, I always respect your food preferences.
W: Well, I suppose that, to be fair, you should get to pick the movie and we can go to a restaurant that serves meat.
Text 10
Hi, everyone! I’d like to talk about healthy diets in this period. First of all, why should we eat healthy? Eating a healthy diet is important for long-lasting energy and illness prevention. Learning how to eat healthier and what it really means to do so will help you lose weight and feel great. It also helps you realize that no matter how busy your life is, you can take the time to have good meals and snacks throughout the day.
The importance of a healthy diet used to be just about having enough food to eat. In earlier times, this usually meant growing your own food and raising pigs, sheep or cows to feed your family. There were no such things as artificial colorings or flavorings or even so much worry about the different types of fats and what sugar calories can do to your weight.
The main problem with many diets today is that they are based on cutting out whole food groups to lose weight. It is true, for example, that if you cut your body off from carbs like potatoes and rice, you may lose pounds quicker but you are not really eating healthfully. By cutting out certain aspects of food, you are not giving your body what it needs to stay well. Eating right, having a balanced diet instead of eating the same things all the time is still the best way to lose weight safely without any bad effects to your body. Dieting is merely eating less and sometimes not getting the nutrients you need to stay in good health.
第五档 (很好):(21—25分)
第四档 (好):(16—20分)
第三档 (适当):(11—15分)
第二档 (较差):(6—10分)
第一档 (差):(1—5分)