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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 02:48:11
2the purpose and significance of research
The brand is not only the production operator to mark its product to distinguish it from competitors and the significant markers, and is a valuable intangible assets. The enterprise brand is beneficial to product competition in the market, improve product quality and corporate image, is conducive to the protection of the interests of consumers. Encourage enterprises to establish brand awareness, promote the brand strategy, is conducive to the implementation of enterprise dimensions to change, intensive is changed manage, in the increasingly fierce market competition in the survival, development and growth of.
Brand is the producer, operator to mark its product, to distinguish it from competitors, make consumer awareness of the significant markers. Brand is a name, a term, a mark, a symbol or design, can also be the combination of several factors. In other words the brand is used to identify different enterprises, different product text, graphics or text, graphics, organic combination. Now, the brand is no longer merely a marker, but has become a broader, more abstract concepts. It is a badge or label creating intangible assets
The brand is no longer as a name, logos or graphics to consider, but as a group of intangible assets to consider, is a more perfect more powerful ways of thinking.
The first is the brand recognition is the function of commodity, for advertising and other promotional activities provides the basis for consumers to buy goods, plays a guiding role in. Secondly, there are laws to protect the rights to exclusive use of trademarks, will effectively curb illegal competitor the enterprise products market erosion. Third, reputed trademark, in favor of the new products to enter the market. In fourth, famous brand product to customers with more attractive, beneficial for improving the market share.
Brand is the product quality content and the market value evaluation coefficient and the identifying emblem, is the enterprise participates in the competition of the intangible capital. Enterprises in order to win in the competition, must be carefully maintained the brand reputation. On the quality of products can not let down, afraid of breaking their own brand. The process of creating famous brands must be continuously improve product quality and establish a good corporate image process.
Experience shows that the correct decision-making, brand, brand design, brand protection science capable of business success is a very positive role.
3the research contents and methods
The main research contents of this article is to carry out the importance of brand strategy, brand strategy present situation and the existing problems, and combined with the group example analysis its brand strategy 's success in the face of the crisis and the causes as well as the role after the change of brand strategy without timely adjustment of consequences. The method and logic structure is the first clear the related concepts, theoretical analysis, and then through the concrete enterprise case to summarize the corresponding theoretical basis. By combining theory with practice summed up the final conclusion.
英语翻译1.2论文研究的目的和意义品牌不仅是生产经营者为了标识其产品以区别于竞争对手而采用的显著的标记,而且是企业的一笔 简单市场营销题3道1 企业在原有产品的基础上,部分采用新材料、新技术而制成的性能有显著提高的产品是(). A、、全新产品 英语翻译价格营销是企业营销组合中的重要组成部分.价格营销策略制定是否合理,不仅关系到企业产品的销售及利润目标的实现,而且 企业降低成本的途径论文选题的目的和意义 英语翻译对企业简单数据共享解决方案的研究摘要:本论文主要研究企业中的各种数据共享问题.目的是实现部门内部多用户同时、安全 英语翻译"XX"站在品牌策划的高端利用正确基础研究与有效品牌管理,来达到企业及产品具有独特营销的目的. 企业团队领导力的研究目的和意义 英语翻译企业提供的会计信息是一种“社会公共产品”,其质量高低不仅影响 到与企业有利益关系的投资者、债权人等群体的经济利益 英语翻译交大不仅是国家“985工程”和“211工程”首批建设的高校,而且是集“综合性,研究型,国际化”于一体的国内一流大 便于输送和分配是电能的优点之一,远距离输电通常采用______,其目的是为了______. 亚洲的季风气候分布不仅种类多、面积广,而且是季风气候最显著的地区,其原因是什么? 英语翻译企业产品成本的高低,不仅关系到国家的积累,而且同企业自身和职工群众的利益息息相关.在国民经济进一步调整当中,改进