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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/01 12:38:00
Hi Alice,
I miss you so much. It’s been a month sincelast time you were in school. Thank God for letting me have you lovely friendsin America. How is your family? Say Hi to them. I cherish our friendship; Ihope we could be friends for life. God bless.
The school goes well, and children arehealthy and happy. They hearts are full of love, and will definitely be talentedpeople. The educational facilities are advanced day by day, now we havecomputer classroom, lab classroom and plastic track. I truly believe that Godwill make the school better and better.
Today, I’m writing to you for three things.
First, tell you about my work and state ofmind. I believe in God, and God is life and everything to me. I love God tohandle everything for me, and God has already given me so many directions andhelp. However, I would confess to God and you for my absent to Worship due tomy laziness. When I face hard times, I always pray for God’s help and Godarranges everything for me. I feel I am selfish and self-interest orientation,I always ask more and do less in return. I’m afraid God would be angry with me.What should I do?
Second, I want to talk about my son’seducational issues. We have discussed last time you were here, and I hope youcould contact with teachers in schools nearby and help my son to have thechance to study in your country. My son is an excellent boy who loves sports,music and study as well as your national culture.
As for my son, I feel guilty because I lefthim to his grandparents when he was five. It was the time that this school wasestablished. I have not given him my full care and love since his childhood.Due to my hard work in school during the daytime, I barely showed my patienceto him, which made me sad and guilty. However, he didn’t take the bad side,which is God blessed. He is a positive, shining boy who understands me andloves me. He wants to study in America. In my point of view, boys should go intothe wild world to get rid of the “safe zone” and get to know themselves.
Well, due to my economic background, Iwould like to pay less to get the thing done. That’s what I would like todiscuss with you in details. But most of all, his safety is the most important.Alice, hope you could help me. And I pray to God every day.
The third thing is about the time. We willbe on summer holiday in July and August in China, and I will do the preparationfor school in late August. Therefore, we basically have only one month freetime. My son wants to study in America,
so my husband and I would very much like totake my son to America for holiday. I’d love to see America with other friendsand it would be perfect if I could come by and say hi to you. Therefore, withyour invitation on my hand, it would be easier for my visa. Meanwhile, I wonderif it is possible to stay in your house or your friends’ while we’re inAmerica, so that we would have more time communicating.
Please write back asap. Thanks.
Love you.
YourChinese friend, XXX
英语翻译亲爱的艾利斯:非常想念你,距上次你来学校已经一个月了.感谢上帝让我在离中国土地很遥远的美国有你们这些善良的朋友, 英语翻译感谢上帝让我遇到了你,我想这是上帝对我的恩赐.同时,在遇到你之后我发现我已经喜欢上你了,这种感觉很难用语言来表述 感谢上帝的安排让我遇到了你.英语翻译 英语翻译亲爱的jim:希望你的一切都顺利!希望你每一天都过得开心.从你回国到现在我已经将近2个月没有见到你了,非常的想念 英语翻译我已经回到中国了,非常感谢五天中你对我的照顾.我的父母看了你的照片,他们说你很漂亮.明年你或你的家人来中国吗,要 英语翻译亲爱的苏珊娜,麦克你们好:我非常想念你们!你的孩子和家人还好吧?Kira还好吧?李,非常想念它.它一定又长胖了, 中译英 信我一切都很好 我还没收到样品美国的雪莉和中国珊珊 把你们通话都告诉我了我知道你现在想法非常想念你 希望你再次来 英语翻译难道我只能放弃,你的心到底在何处?已经非常感谢了,请问最后一个单词是什么意思? 英语翻译“亲爱的!我愿用我的心建起通往你心深处的桥梁,让你知道白天的想念晚上的思念都是为了你.用我的爱让你沐浴在阳光和月 “我非常的想念你”英语翻译 英语翻译“亲爱的,我非常想念你”这句的葡萄牙语怎么翻译? 英语翻译嗨我的朋友们 最近过的怎么样 我非常想念你们 也非常很怀念在美国的那段日子 美国的阳光和你们的笑脸让我难以忘记