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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:03:36
1. You must do___ your teacher tells you to do.
A . like B. as C .as what D. which
我选的是C,答案是B,我觉得这里第二个DO 后面应该有个病与吧?跟这个句子应该不一样吧?
You ought to do as Paul tells you.
2. The English Song" Take me to your heart" is very popular___students of English.
A. in B .about C. with D. of
这一题答案是C,但是我想问的是A可以吗?我见过be popular among 的结构,所以想知道A可以吗?
3. - How dare you play on such thin ice?
-Playing on ice is not my ___ of spare time.
A. idea B .thought C. mind D. intention
4.We will gave tea in the garden___ the sitting room.
A instead B. instead of C.instead in D. instead of in
5. I ____while reading an English novel.Lukily, my roommate woke me up in time.
A. had fallen asleep
B have fallen alseep
C fell asleep
D fall alseep
这一题答案是C, 是因为那个in time 吗?如果改成later的话是否该选A?
谢谢一楼的。第一题如果用B答案那这里的AS做什么成分呢?引带的算是什么从句呢? 这两个do 都用带宾语的吗?
第四个吧, 其实instead of后面还是能解很多结构的,甚至副词或者不定式都有见到,介宾更有,所以这一题我已经确定我的答案比那个破标准答案更正确立了。 这样的学习资料简直就是误人子弟,深恶痛绝之无可奈何之,还有半个学期还要用。
第1题出得很别扭.正确表达是You must do what your teacher tells you to do.或者 you must do as your teacher tells you.
第2题答案的确是C,用among也可以,但是标准书面英文通常不会说in a group of people
第5题.不是因为那个in time.C的确是正确答案.Have done sth while doing something 这种说法不合逻辑