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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 11:06:27
For these problems, my analysis is as below:
1. The reason inducing the problem is: Material A and B are both corrosed by some kind of substance; it is very probable that the substance is ****. **** is a kind of organic solvent.
2. Even though the factory has been using *** as the detergent to erase the scratch marks on B before, the amount used is very small so that there was no negative effect. However, after Europe sued that material B is heavily scratched in June, to avoid similar cases, the fatory increased the amount of the detergent, causing *** sieving through and residing on material A and B. After a long time, A is very crispy, and B permeates oil.
Tons of apologies, I have great responsibility for this incident. At the beginning I questioned the factory if *** will have any problems, but the factory said there would be no problem. They have been using it for a long time, and their other customers are also using it. That is why I did not do other experiments to confirm the result.
英语翻译对于这些问题,我的分析如下:1,导致问题发生的原因是:材料A和B都受到了某种物质的腐蚀,很有可能这种物质就是** 初中科学关于大气压1.大气中能成云致雨的成分是?【求原因,就是这些成分发生了什么才导致成云致雨】A.二氧化碳和水汽 B. 英语怎么说 导致这些问题的原因不仅仅是A 用来发射卫星的火箭,头部涂了一层特殊物质,请分析这种材料起这种作用的原因 在物质和运动的关系问题上,设想没有运动的物质会导致:( ) A.唯心主义观点 B 形而上学观点 C 不可知论观点 把某种物质单位体积的质量叫做这种物质的密度,这种定义方法是物理学中常用的一种方法(详见问题) 我对于密度概念:单位体积某种物质的质量叫做这种物质的密度 中的“单位体积”不懂, 高中化学溶解度的问题一定温度压强下,对于某种物质的饱和溶液,我知道无论溶液质量多少,质量分数是一定的,但密度和量浓度是不 关于物质密度,下列说法正确的是:A.某种物质的密度是这种物质单位质量的体积. 我有一个关于物质的状态和温度的问题,具体如下. 有关化学酸和碱的反应问题的...1.下列物质间不能发生复分解反应的是; A.氢氧化铜和稀硫酸 B. 英语翻译内容包括:假冒伪劣产品是个严重的问题,一些原因导致了这种现象,为了扫除假冒伪劣产品,我们应该.