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英语翻译A towering new memorial was unveiled on the National Mal

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:24:47
A towering new memorial was unveiled on the National Mall in Washington,D.C.this week.It honors the Rev.Martin Luther King Jr.(1929–1968) as a man of peace.
King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in the nation’s capital on August 28,1963.On that day,more than 100,000 people had come to Washington in support of civil rights.
“A Stone of Hope”
The 30-foot-tall sculpture was crafted by Chinese artist Lei Yixin.It was inspired by a line from King's famous oration at the Lincoln Memorial:“Out of the mountain of despair,a stone of hope.”
The civil rights leader is depicted with his arms crossed,looking toward the horizon.He is the “stone of hope” emerging from a boulder — a “mountain of despair.”
A Historic First
King is the first person of color to have a memorial on the National Mall.The monument is surrounded by memorials to U.S.presidents — Thomas Jefferson,Abraham Lincoln,and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
"It's nicely situated between the Jefferson and the Lincoln Memorial,so it's part of that conversation," said Ed Jackson,the architect who designed the King memorial."That corner of the mall has started to have a little bit of a theme about the ideas of our democracy between Jefferson,(Franklin D.) Roosevelt and now King."
Visitors to the site agree.“I think it's appropriate,” said Frank Myers,49,of King George,Va.“His contribution was just as great as any of the presidents.This country's come a long way as a result of him and people like him.”
Words to Know
civil rights – the rights of citizens to freedom and equality
democracy – government in which power is held by the people and used by them directly or indirectly through representation
depicted – represented by words or art
monument – something that serves as a memorial,such as a building or statue
situated – placed in a location
民权领袖被描绘与他的双臂交叉,向着地平线.他是“希望之石”从一块巨石新兴 - “绝望之山”.
国王是对色彩的国家大草坪(National Mall)上有一个纪念的第一人.纪念碑周围是由美国总统纪念馆 - 托马斯杰斐逊,亚伯拉罕林肯和富兰克林罗斯福.
“这是很好位于杰斐逊和林肯纪念堂之间,所以它的这一谈话的一部分,”埃德杰克逊说,建筑师是谁设计的敬纪念的.“这商场的一角,已经开始有杰斐逊,富兰克林D ·罗斯福和现在国王之间我们的民主思想的主题有点.”
公民权利 - 公民的权利,自由和平等
民主 - 政府权力是由人民直接或间接地使用他们通过代表举行
用文字或艺术的描绘 - 代表
纪念碑 - 作为纪念的东西,如建筑物或雕像
位于 - 放置在一个位置