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英语翻译A second major concept in Judaism is that of the covenan

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 18:58:19
A second major concept in Judaism is that of the covenant (berith),or contractual agreement,between God and the Jewish people.According to tradition,the God of creation entered into a special relationship with the Jewish people at Sinai.They would acknowledge God as their sole ultimate king and legislator,agreeing to obey his laws; God,in turn,would acknowledge Israel as his particular people and be especially mindful of them.Both biblical authors and later Jewish tradition view this covenant in a universal context.Only after successive failures to establish a covenant with rebellious humanity did God turn to a particular segment of it.Israel is to be a “kingdom of priests,” and the ideal social order that it establishes in accordance with the divine laws is to be a model for the human race.Israel thus stands between God and humanity,representing each to the other.
The study of Torah,the revealed will of God,also is considered an act of worship in rabbinic Judaism.Passages from Scripture,Mishnah,and Talmud are recited during daily morning services.On Monday and Thursday mornings,a handwritten parchment scroll of the Torah (that is,the Pentateuch) is removed from the ark at the front of the synagogue and read,with cantillation,before the congregation.The major liturgical Torah readings take place on Sabbath and festival mornings.In the course of a year,the entire Torah will be read on Sabbaths.The annual cycle begins again every autumn at a celebration called Simhath Torah (“rejoicing in the Torah”),which falls at the end of the Sukkot festival.Torah readings for the festivals deal with the themes and observances of the day.Thematically appropriate readings from the Prophets (Haftarah,meaning “conclusion”) accompany the Torah readings on Sabbaths and festivals.The public reading of Scripture thus constitutes a significant part of synagogue worship.In fact,this appears originally to have been the primary function of the synagogue as an institution.
第二个主要的观念就是犹太教盟约(berith)合同或者协议 上帝和犹太人之间.根据传统,创作进入了一个神与犹太民族的特殊关系,在西奈.他们将承认上帝作为唯一最终国王和立委同意听从他的法律; 上帝,反过来 他将承认以色列为特定人,尤其是注意他们.后来犹太圣经作者都认为这个公约的普遍性的传统背景.连续失败后,才建立与反叛盟约做上帝把人性的某一部分.以色列是一个"王国神父"、理想的社会秩序,依照规定 神法是将人类的楷模.以色列因此主张上帝与人类之间,相当于每年为另一方.旧约学习旧约,上帝会发现,也被视为一种崇拜rabbinic犹太教.机票从经文mishnah、犹太法典期间每天早上都背诵服务.周一上午就与周四、手书长卷