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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:17:05
1.下个月我就能买一辆新车了.(afford)2.玛丽把她的大部分业余时间都花在练弹钢琴上.(devote)3.你是怎么处理那个问题的?(do wit)4.老师们经常鼓励她在学习上取得更大的成绩.(encourage sb.to do sth)5.我不喜欢写信,我宁可打电话.(prefer…to…)6.我们现在可以和世界各地的朋友通过电子邮件保持联系.(keep in touch with)7.吸烟对人体有很大的危害.(do harm to)8.那天,海伦留在旅馆里没有出去买东西.(instead)9.他的同学特别爱看体育节目.(be keen on)10.昨天一位老太太穿马路时,被一辆出租车撞伤.(knock down)11.他已经下定决心要把英语学好.(make up one’s mind)12.取笑盲人是不礼貌的.(make fun of)13.多亏了好天气,上星期天我们玩的很高兴.(thanks to)14.众所周知地球是圆的.(it is known to all that)15.没有必要为这次聚会花这么多钱.(there is no need to)16.老师要求我们每周写一篇作文.(ask sb to do sth)17.你相信吗,到目前为止我们已经学了两千多个单词?(so far)18.坦白说,此事和我无关.(have nothing to do with)19.医生告诉病人饭后服药.(take the medicine)20.奇怪的是,没人知道谁主管这个部门.(It is strange that…)21.总体来说,这部电影值得再看一遍.(worth)22.请把蛋糕分成四份,那么你们每个人都可以吃一块了.(divided)23.我将尽力弥补失去的时间.(make up for)24.他们自1990年后一直住在纽约.(ever since)25.天气这么好,我想散散步.(so that )26.大部分学生们正忙于复习功课,可他们却坐在那儿无所事事.(be busy doing sth)27.你是否介意我在这里抽烟.(mind )28.那位中医说,早起有利健康.(be good for)29.尽管失败了很多次,李先生还是决定要戒烟.(give up)30.你昨天在公园里玩得开心吗?(enjoy oneself)
1. 下个月我就能买一辆新车了.(afford)I would be able to afford a new car next month.
2. 玛丽把她的大部分业余时间都花在练弹钢琴上.(devote)Mary devotes most of her free time on practicing piano.
3. 你是怎么处理那个问题的?(do wit)
4. 老师们经常鼓励她在学习上取得更大的成绩.(encourage sb.to do sth)The teachers often encourage her to do better in her studies.
5. 我不喜欢写信,我宁可打电话.(prefer…to…)I prefer calling on the phone than to write letters.
6. 我们现在可以和世界各地的朋友通过电子邮件保持联系.(keep in touch with)We can now keep in touch with people all over the world through emails.
7. 吸烟对人体有很大的危害.(do harm to)Smoking does a lot of harm to the human body.
8. 那天,海伦留在旅馆里没有出去买东西.(instead)That day, Helen stayed in the hotel instead of shopping.
9. 他的同学特别爱看体育节目.(be keen on)His classmate is keen on watching sports programmes.
10. 昨天一位老太太穿马路时,被一辆出租车撞伤.(knock down)An old lady was knocked down by a taxi when she was crossing the road yesterday.
11. 他已经下定决心要把英语学好.(make up one’s mind)He made his mind to study hard in English.
12. 取笑盲人是不礼貌的.(make fun of)It is not polite to make fun of blind people.
13. 多亏了好天气,上星期天我们玩的很高兴.(thanks to)Thanks to the good weather, we had fun last Sunday.
14. 众所周知地球是圆的.(it is known to all that)It is known to all that the Earth is round.
15. 没有必要为这次聚会花这么多钱.(there is no need to)There is no need to spend so much money on the party.
16. 老师要求我们每周写一篇作文.(ask sb to do sth)The teachers asked us to write an essay each week.
17. 你相信吗,到目前为止我们已经学了两千多个单词?(so far)Can you believe that we have already learnt more than two thousand words so far?
18. 坦白说,此事和我无关.(have nothing to do with)To be honest, this has nothing to do with me.
19. 医生告诉病人饭后服药.(take the medicine)The doctor told the patient to take the medicine after the meal.
20. 奇怪的是,没人知道谁主管这个部门.(It is strange that…)It is strange that nobody knows who is in charge of this department.
21. 总体来说,这部电影值得再看一遍.(worth)Generally speaking, this movie is worth watching a second time.
22. 请把蛋糕分成四份,那么你们每个人都可以吃一块了.(divided)You would be able to have a slice of the cake each if it was divided into four quarters.
23. 我将尽力弥补失去的时间.(make up for)I will try to make up for the time lost.
24. 他们自1990年后一直住在纽约.(ever since)They have lived in New York ever since 1990.
25. 天气这么好,我想散散步.(so that )The weather is so good that I want to take a walk.
26. 大部分学生们正忙于复习功课,可他们却坐在那儿无所事事.(be busy doing sth)Most of the students are busy revising, but they are doing nothing there.
27. 你是否介意我在这里抽烟.(mind )Do you mind if I smoke here?
28. 那位中医说,早起有利健康.(be good for)The doctor said that it is good for you to wake up early.
29. 尽管失败了很多次,李先生还是决定要戒烟.(give up)Although he failed many times, Mr. Li did not give up on quitting smoking.
30. 你昨天在公园里玩得开心吗?(enjoy oneself)Did you enjoy yourself at the park yesterday?