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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:18:17
(1) at表示“在某一时刻、某一时点” at 5:30 在5:30 at sunrise 日出时 at lunch 午饭时
at noon 正午时 at night 夜间
I get up at 6:00 every day.我每天6:00起床
表示“在……岁”时,用at the age of….如:at the age of five.在五岁时.
(2) on表示“在具体某一天或某天的上、下午”.如:on Monday 在星期一
on April 1st 在四月一日
I heard a shot on the morning of March 18.三月十八日早晨我听到一声枪响
泛指上、下午、晚上、夜间时用in the morning/afternoon/evening,at night;但若指具体某一天的上述时段时,则一律用on.如:On the afternoon of May 23.在五月二十三日下午.
(3) in表示“在某月、季节、年、世纪”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上.in September 在九月
in winter 在冬季 in 1999 在1999年 in the 20th century 在20世纪
in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上
You can come anytime from Monday to Friday.周一至周五你什么时间来都行.
The exam will start from 9:00am.考试将从上午九点开始.
①from“从……(开始)”未必持续到现在,如:from 1995 to 1998.从1995年到1998年.
三.with 用……工具
He broke the window with a stone.他用石头把窗打破了
He stopped the ball with his right foot.他用脚把球停住.
There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office.在宾馆与邮局之间有所医院.
The building stands between the park and the small river.那栋建筑位于公园和小河之间.between是指“在两者之间”,而among指“在多个之间”.
out of从……出来
A beautiful girl in red went out of the shop.一个穿红衣服的漂亮女孩从商店里走了出来.They pulled him out of the water.他们把他从水里拉了出来
This box is made of paper.这个盒子是纸做的.
This salad is made of apples and strwberres.这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的.
(1) of仅指“关于”人或事物的存在,
如:He spoke of the film the other day.他前几天提到了这部影片.
He thought of this matter yesterday.他昨天想到了这件事.
He thought about this matter yesterday.他昨天考虑了这件事.
(2) about指“关于”某人或某事物的较详细的情况.
It’s a book for children about Africa and its people.它是一本供儿童阅读的关于非洲和非洲人的书.
Can you tell me something about yourself?你能告诉我一些关于你自己的事情吗?
(3) on是指“关于”学术性的或严肃的,供专门研究用的.
It’s a textbook on the history of China.它是一本有关中国历史的教科书.
(1) for表示“一般的理由”常与famous,punish等词连用.
Xi’an is famous for its long history.西安因历史悠久而著名.
The city is well known for her large population.这座城市以人口众多而知名.
(2) at一般指“情感”的原因,通常放在表示“惊讶或喜悦等感情”的动词或形容词之后,表示“因听到或看到而……”.
She got angry at his words.她因为他的话生气了.
He was surprised at the news.听到这消息他大吃一惊.
(3) from表示“外在的原因”.如受伤、车祸等.
He died from the wound.他因受伤而致死.
Her son was badly hurt in a traffic accident.她儿子在一次车祸中严重受伤.
(4) of表示“内在的原因”,如病、饿等到.
He died of cancer.他死于癌症.
The old man died of hunger.老人死于饥饿.
(5) with表示“由外在影响到肉体或心理”的原因.
He shook with cold.他因寒冷而发抖.
He shouted loudly with anger.他气得大喊大叫