作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.why ___a bad idea to ask Amy for advice?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 06:38:27
1.why ___a bad idea to ask Amy for advice?
A.do you think B.do you think is C.is it D.does it
2.Which ___more fat ,cream or rice
Acontains B.gives C.produces D have
3.Many countries around the Indian Ocean were hit by a tsunami on December 26,2004,___about300 000 people lost their lives.
A.by means of which B.for which C.among which D.as a result of which
4.The driver was at__loss when___word came that hewas forbidden to drive for speeding.
A.a;/ B.a; the Cthe;the D./;/
5.The number of people coming to the concert was much smaller than excepted.There were ________.
A.many tickets left B many tickets leaving
C no tickets left D.no tickets leaving
6.______at the school gate is asking to see you .
A.Some man B.A some man C.Certain man D.Some a man
7.As we joined the big crowd,I got ____from my friends.
A.separated B.spared C.lost D.missed
8.Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgetable moment,___I will always treasure.
A.that B.one C.it D.what
9.He wanted his house____in a way____natural
A.to build;to look B.build ;looking C.build ;to look Dbeing build;looks
10._____from thispoint of the view ,the questiong will be of great importance.
A.considering B.considered
1.why ___a bad idea to ask Amy for advice?
缺主谓语 to不定式需要形式主语
3.逻辑推理 tsunami是海啸,引起……人死亡
4.固定搭配at a loss 不知所措;Word came that是固定搭配,表示“有消息传来说”不但必须用Word,而且还必须是came过去时 这要长期积累哦
5..逻辑推理 much smaller than expected可推断出票不够啦
6.固定搭配 some man是不特指的某人;certain man 是特指的某一个人.
7.词义辨析 separated分开分离,“ 人群中我和朋友们被分开啦”
8.考查有关非限制定从知识点,that 不能引导非限制定从;只有关系副词(=介词+which)as和which可以引导非限制性定语从句