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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:01:19
5月12日,四川汶川发生7.8级大地震.在这场突如其来的大地震中,涌现出许许多多可歌可泣的舍己救人的感人故事和情景,感动得你热泪盈眶.全天看着新闻,看到可敬可爱的子弟兵为了一线希望,付出百倍努力,坚持冒着种种危险在废墟中搜救幸存者,一个个生还者获救,一次次和死神赛跑的记录被刷新,心中一振,生命是如此的顽强,奇迹背后是我们中国人的众志成城,那一瞬,我哭了.晚上观看中央电视台赈灾募捐演出,年迈的老艺术家颤颤巍巍地上台,却豪情万丈地演唱;失去家园和亲人的孩子满脸悲戚,却大声宣告:“我们会努力!我们会坚强!”心中一热,为悲痛后的坚毅,为无数的爱心汇集,那一瞬,我哭了.5.19 鸣笛响起的那一瞬,我在街上和同胞们一起为汶川特大地震遇难的同胞默哀三分钟,一片静谧中只听到孩子们低低的啜泣.一幕幕感人的场景再次涌现眼前,心中百感交集,眼泪再次涌上,那一瞬,我们都哭了.其实,这短暂而又漫长的七天中,时时因痛心、感动、骄傲而哭泣.然而今天,默哀三分钟后,我和同学们擦干眼泪,共同约——我们不再哭泣.悲痛必将化作力量,感动必须化作行动.我们肩负着重建家园、建设家乡、建设祖国的重任.这一刻,我们不再哭泣!
Claim to have a strong optimism,combined with stubborn character,from an early age do not want to cry in front of people,even Zaikuzailei pain again,on the very teeth bite in the past.Even if secretly crying alone,we can let other people do not want to see my pain and weakness.However,Wen Chuante 5.12 earthquake disaster,countless tears flowing ......
May 12,four Chuan Wenchuan 7.8 earthquake occurred.In this unexpected earthquake,the emergence of so many sacrificed their lives to save the epic story and touching scenes,you are moved to tears.All day watching the news,respectable lovely to see a ray of hope for the army,to pay 100 times more efforts to adhere to all the hazards in their search for survivors in the rubble,the survivors were rescued one by one,a race against time and death records were set in mind Lift,life is so strong,behind the miracle of our concerted efforts of the Chinese people,that moment,I burst into tears.In the evening to watch the CCTV disaster relief fund-raising performance of the old old artist chatter on the ground trembling Taiwan,but lofty sentiments in concert; lost their homes and loved ones of children face grief,but loudly declared:"We will work hard!We will be strong!" One mind Heat for the grief after the determination,in order to bring together numerous love,that moment,I burst into tears.5.19 whistle sounded the moment that I and my fellow countrymen,and in the street together for the earthquake victims Wenchuan Te fellow three-minute silence,a quiet,only to hear the children weep low.Touching scenes of the scene once again emerged in the immediate feelings in the hearts,tears once again swarmed,and that moment,we wept together.In fact,this is a short and long seven days,from time to time as a result of sad,moved,proud and crying.Today,however,in silent tribute for three minutes,I wiped away tears and students,some common - we do not have to cry.Is bound to grief into strength,to be moved into action.We shoulders to rebuild their homes,home building,the task of building the motherland.At this moment,we do not have to cry!