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英语翻译Third,consideration will be given to what this might mea

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 19:39:00
Third,consideration will be given to what this might mean for moral education for a just society,and for China in particular.
Humans are uniquely placed to make moral judgements about good and bad,right and wrong,ought and ought not,rights and duties,and the like.This capacity to be moral agents may have its source in a genetically acquired preference standard which allows the infant to prefer one thing rather than another,but becoming a moral agent is something we learn through experience over a long period of time.
Moral education is,minimally,concerned with the acquisition of both personal qualities characterised by the possession of virtues(e.g.,caring,honest,loyal)and the eschewing of vices(e.g.,greed,lust,lying),as Aristotle (1973)held,and understanding how one’s conduct is shaped according to moral principles of a more universal nature.In their book More Than Talk,which was to have a significant impact on the subsequent development of moral education in New Zealand,Snook and McGeorge(1978)identified five principles so central to morality that abandoning them would lead to the collapse of morality altogether:
1.minimise the harm you cause
2.maximise the good you do
3.be fair to all concerned
4.have some concern with truth
5.do not unnecessarily impede others in their pursuits.
Agreeable as these are,I have always thought something is missing–there is no sense of social well-being underscored by a commitment to social justice.And it is to this I now turn.
Whether or not social justice is a necessary property of being a morally educated person will depend,in part,on what we take social justice to be.In its most basic sense it is about the relationships between groups in nation states in that there are,in some relevant and significant way,differences in their social arrangements such that those most disadvantaged are entitled to appropriate policies and actions which remedy their adverse conditions.
Talk of social justice only gets a purchase when certain conditions prevail.The first requirement is that there be a difference between groups of people.But not all differences are relevant.That some people have black hair and others brown hair is not a difference which warrants intervention in the name of social justice.So,more is required than difference alone.A relevant difference must contain some weighting of one thing over another.But not all differentials prompt a call for social justice.
Third,consideration will be given to what this might mean for moral education for a just society,and for China in particular.
Humans are uniquely placed to make moral judgements about good and bad,right and wrong,ought and ought not,rights and duties,and the like.This capacity to be moral agents may have its source in a genetically acquired preference standard which allows the infant to prefer one thing rather than another,but becoming a moral agent is something we learn through experience over a long period of time.
Moral education is,minimally,concerned with the acquisition of both personal qualities characterised by the possession of virtues (e.g.,caring,honest,loyal)and the eschewing of vices(e.g.,greed,lust,lying),as Aristotle (1973)held,and understanding how one’s conduct is shaped according to moral principles of a more universal nature.In their book More Than Talk,which was to have a significant impact on the subsequent development of moral education in New Zealand,Snook and McGeorge(1978)identified five principles so central to morality that abandoning them would lead to the collapse of morality altogether:
德育,至少包括,关注个人品质的获得,该个人品质既包括拥有美德(例如:有爱心、正直、忠诚) 和避免恶习(例如:贪婪、好色、说谎),如亚里斯多德主张,并根据(普遍本性的)道德水准,推定一个人的操行是如何塑造形成.在他们的书More Than Talk,对新西兰,后续德育的开发有极其重大的影响.斯努克和麦格鲁吉(1978)识别出对道德非常重要的五条原则,如果放弃这些原则将会导致道德的全部丧失.
1.minimise the harm you cause
2.maximise the good you do
3.be fair to all concerned
4.have some concern with truth
5.do not unnecessarily impede others in their pursuits.
1 缩小自己受到的伤害
2 夸大自己做的好事
3 公平对待
4 关注真理真相
5 无故不干涉别人的追求
Agreeable as these are,I have always thought something is missing–there is no sense of social well-being underscored by a commitment to social justice.And it is to this I now turn.
Whether or not social justice is a necessary property of being a morally educated person will depend,in part,on what we take social justice to be.In its most basic sense it is about the relationships between groups in nation states in that there are,in some relevant and significant way,differences in their social arrangements such that those most disadvantaged are entitled to appropriate policies and actions which remedy their adverse conditions.
Talk of social justice only gets a purchase when certain conditions prevail.The first requirement is that there be a difference between groups of people.But not all differences are relevant.That some people have black hair and others brown hair is not a difference which warrants intervention in the name of social justice.So,more is required than difference alone.A relevant difference must contain some weighting of one thing over another.But not all differentials prompt a call for social justice.