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*不是要翻译喔 需要会英文的帮我回答以下英文问题 (连接到影片) 因为我英文不好 也做不出来这个问题1.at the b

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 10:20:08
需要会英文的帮我回答以下英文问题 (连接到影片) 因为我英文不好 也做不出来这个问题
1.at the beginning of the documentary the corporation ,many businessmen defend corporations.
they say that the corporations who exploit workers and damage the environment are only'a few
bad apples'.after watching the corporations ,do you think that is true are several corporations (large companies)
giving all corporations a bad name ,or do most corporations deserve their bad reputation (this is an opinnion answer!)
2.in the segment entitled 'case histories',we see some of the garments ,and hear about the costs to make these clothes
and the wages ($) reveived by the workers .(kathy lee gifford's brand of clothes for example)
Michael Walkers says the people of Bangladesh and China are starving to death and all they have to offer is their cheap labour
in exchange for being able to afford a little bit of rice to survive.what are your reactions to this reality of large companies
needing cheap labourers.
影片 请google 打这个就是了
1 That is not true.The bad apples are way over a few in the corporate world.But other corporation should not be despised for the bad apples' behavior.Still the majority of the corporations conduct business with responsibility.Two things we have to bear in mind,there are always companies deserving respect for their contribution to and consideration for the society,the weak link in our legal system needs mending to contain the damage that the bad apples caused.
2 The cheap labor benefit the large companies and the large companies offer a means for them to make a living.What is wrong with giving job to poor people?Just because the salary is so low?A key fact has to be pointed out,without this job,will the situation of workers in China or India be better off or getting worse?Charity is good,the issue is charity can not offer enough food for every people in the world,to work is the true solution for most of the starving people.
*不是要翻译喔 需要会英文的帮我回答以下英文问题 (连接到影片) 因为我英文不好 也做不出来这个问题1.at the b 请帮我 please 用英文回答以下问题看不懂 回答以下英文问题 >< (我英文不好 我不要翻译 我需要英文回答 )不是 英文专家 请进 这个问题的资料 然后请帮我用英语回答这个问题一下 (因为我英文不好 > 英语翻译因为这是要交给的问题 (我英文不好)希望友会英文的 帮我中文翻英文 以下:1.笛声 还有日本的传统配乐2.三大宗 英语翻译因为想了解问题和句子看不太懂 希望有英文高手帮我翻一下 不要翻译软体 我看的出来喔以下- identify th 英语翻译因为这是要交给的问题 (我英文不好)希望友会英文的 帮我中文翻英文以下:9\x05凄凉的苏格兰风笛声和鼓声 10 帮我回答以下的小学生的英文问题,要显得幸福,最好中英文回答,纯英文也可,: 怎么说呢,我需要这个题目的翻译,因为刚到国外所以英文不好.各位学霸拜托了 >< 奉上三十分 (我需要看这个短片 看不懂 也听不懂 有没有英文高手可以帮我 看短片 回答以下英文问题 >< (我真的 英语翻译以下英文问题 请帮我翻中文 (一定绝对不要翻译软体 因为会看不懂)1.\x05How would you cha 英语翻译以下句子 请帮我翻英文 准确一点 因为要写一篇英文报导练习 (因为我英文不好 > 英语翻译以下简单句子 请帮我翻简单清楚的英文 严禁 禁止翻译软体 我看的出来喔 请会英语的帮我翻英文 - 当我盯著她看时