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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/02 18:12:32
I see the lake surface that is ablaze with its crystalline breeze wave in the sun
I see lake surface with its blinking wave caused by its breeze in the sun
I see lake surface dotted with shining in the sunlight
I see lake surface decorated with its glistening in the sun
I see the lake surface dotted with its shimmering / sparking / gleaming in the sun
It means improvement to me
In my personal view, It means a stride that go forward
as for me, It means an advance
as far as I am concerned, It is a step that moves ahead
It is a kind of progress for me
It means a kind of progress to me
in my opinion , This is called a kind of progress
Personally-speaking, This is considered to be move ahead
求翻译句子1.我看见阳光下波光粼粼的湖面。2.对我来说这是一种进步请尽量用高级词汇,符合大学生水平 帮忙翻译个英语句子,翻译质量高点,尽量用高级词汇 我是禽兽,请离我远点 就这句了, 描写沙滩的句子我要的是大海边阳光照耀下金黄色的沙滩的句子,我还要描写波光粼粼的大海的句子, 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面几个句子.不要用翻译工具..1.考查英语口语对我们来说是必不可少的.2.提高英语口语不但能够提高课 月光下的湖面波光粼粼,像什么 请帮我翻译这句英语,尽量优美句子长些.译文“随着经济的发展,社会的进步.礼貌问题引起越来越多人的... 英语翻译请不要放在金三词霸上翻译,因为我看过了,是错误的!尽量翻译得高级点,.1.他通过了考试,这令我们很兴奋.2.问题 英语翻译拒绝软件翻译!请各位英语高手们翻译时尽量用一些高级词汇/句型.中秋节快乐啊!1.在海中游泳多有趣啊!2.对我们来 英语翻译我女朋友明天考口语 请帮我翻译这一段文章“我最大的兴趣是看书,因为对我来说.看书不仅是一种休闲娱乐的方式.而且看 阳光下微风轻拂湖面,湖面上波光粼粼,这时产生的是光的______现象;透过厚薄不均匀的玻璃看室外的电线,可能会看到电线粗 翻译法语句子:对我来说,生活是美好的,太阳一直和我在一起. 英语翻译这段英文对我来说很重要.请英语高手帮下我 翻译下这段句子.要准确的答案噢 英语句子以下“I'm not even