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英语翻译Apart from road vehicles,diesel engines are also used in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:16:20
Apart from road vehicles,diesel engines are also used in many other applications,
such as construction plant and equipment,agricultural tractors.fishing boats,electricity
generators and railway trains In 1991,according to the Digest ofUK Energy Statistics
f1992),heavy road transport vehicles accounted for only approximately one.quarter of
the total diesel consumed.At the same time,although truck diesel emissions are well
controlled there is 110 legislation covering the non—truck applications,so it 1s sate to
conclude that overall truck emissions are less than the strictly proportional fuel usage
statistics would suggest■
Over the last 40 years or so the overall energy demand has not only grown but
the pattern of usage has changed too.The use of coal that was associated with the
railways and heavy industries,such as steel,has declined,whereas the consumption of
gas and oil has increased At the same time the emphasis of atmospheric pollution has
switched fronl a sulphur—based problem to a nitrogen—based problem.Less advanced
Eastem European countries,which as yet have much lower vehicle populations,are
still coping with essentially sulphur—based atmospheric pollution
In the UK.transport and economic growth are seemingly evocably linked,with
a rise or fall ofactivity ofone affecting the otheK Certainly,as the economy has grown
over the last 30 vears the ear population has quadrupled from under 5 million in 1960
t0 iust under 20 million in 1990 On the other hand the LGV population has remained
effectively constant at around half a million over the same period.
如此的如工程厂和设备,农业的牵引者.渔船,电力产生器和铁路火车在 1991 年,依照文摘 ofUK 能源 Statistics f1992),重的道路运输被唯一的大约解释一的车辆.被消耗的总计柴油的四分之一.同时,虽然卡车柴油引擎排放很好地
受约束的有 110 立法包含的非卡车 applic