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英语猜谜语What is the best way to keep fish from smelling?Why is

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 12:28:13
What is the best way to keep fish from smelling?
Why is the letter "A" like twelve o'clock?
Cut off their noses.或者PLUG THEiR NOSE!
动词smell 有两种词义:a.发臭;b.嗅,闻
Because it is noon
因为noon中午这个词的英文解释就是:“12 o'clock in the middle of the day”,而“天”的英文单词DAY中间的字母也正是“A”,所以说字母A就相当于一天中的正午12点.
①—How can I keep the fish from smelling,Mike?
—Cut off their noses.
(动词smell 有两种词义:a.发臭;b.嗅,闻).
②Daughter:Auntie kissed me.
Mother:How nice!Did you kiss her back,dear?
Daughter:Of course not.I kissed her face.
③Stranger:Boy,will you direct me to the bank?
Boy:I will ask for a dollar.
Stranger:A dollar!That’s high pay,isn’t it?
Boy :Sure ,but bank directors always get high pay.
( director 可译作:a.指路的人;b.银行董事)
④ Peter:Er,is that British Airways?Can you tell me how long it takes to fly from Dublin to London?
Booking Clerk:Just a minute,sir...
Peter:OK.Thanks a lot.Good-bye.
(“Just a minute.”的意思是:“稍等”.但Peter理解错了)
⑤Diner(食客) :Waiter,I don’t like the looks of this trout(鳟鱼).
Waiter:Well,if it’s looks you want,why don’t you order a goldfish?
⑥ A:Where do you wash?
B:In the spring.
A:I didn’t ask you when,I asked you where.(spring有两个词义:a.春天;b.泉,泉水)
⑦—What American has the largest family?
—George Washington,the father of his country.
⑧—What question can never be answered by “yes”?
—Are you asleep?