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1、Only know it.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/19 16:21:57
1、Only know it.
A、I and he B.he and you C.he and I D.I and you
2、-look,who is coming?
-- must be our Einglish teacher.
A.she B.This C.It D.He
3、The bear wos shot in head.
A.the B.its C.a D.this
4.The old man took the girl by hand and they went down the street.
A.her B.a C.the D.that
5..He apologized to me for hitting me face .
A.on the B.at the C.in the D.in my
6.is the best season of the year?
A.when B.which C.what D.what time
7.-- is your classmate John like?---He is very tall.
A.How B.What C.Who D.which
8.Please find out he is looking after at home.
A.who B.which C.whom D.when
9.He told me he wos sent for.
A.whom B.that C.both D.where
10.People usually put small presents in stocking on Christmas Eve.
A.each other B.each others C.each other’s D.each others’
11.The students often help .
A.each the other B.one another C.one the other D.two another
12.Is this story as interesting as .
A.the one B.some ones C.that one D.one
13.--What colour is this?--- .
A.It’s a red B.It red C.This is red D.It’s a red colour.
1 c,英语中一般将第一人称置后,以示谦虚 2 c,it可以用来表示身份或性别不详者,最典型的情况是敲门时用的多 3 a.hit sb on the +部位,约定俗成的用法,类似的动词还有pat ,tap,catch,take,hit等 3 a.hit sb on the +部位,约定俗成的用法,类似的动词还有pat ,tap,catch,take,hit等 4 c 见第三题解释 5 c,见第三题解释.这里的介词in比on更加形象生动 6 选d.when只能提问时间状语,which意思是哪一个,此处表义不清,如果是which season就对了,what的意思是什么东西或什么事情,范围太广,what time最切合题意.7 b what …… be like?询问的是某人或某物的特征,为一特定用法 8 这个题目太老了,不好定答案,不过相信参考答案是whom.在口语中who,whom都可以,但是在书面语中只能用whom,作look after的宾语.不管用who还是whom,这里都是引导一个宾语从句.9,b.send for意思是派人去请某人,这里的意思是“他说他是被人请来的.”(被动语态) 10 c.each other本身就是一个固定词组,如果要用所有格形式的话直接在后面加上's就行了 11 b.each other为两者之间,one another为三者或是三者以上相互…… 12 c.this和that为一组反义词 13 这个题目楼主打字的时候打错了,不过参考答案应该会是b.a与d两个答案都把color当成了可数名词,c答案一般用来回答What's this?这个问题.