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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:06:58
明天有老师来听课,现场还要动手制作DIY.希望给一个制作水果沙拉的对话,不要和英语书上的听力对话差不多的.要这样的内容:A:Let's make fruit salad now!B:So,how do we make it?C:First,clean the fruits!A&B:(Wash,wash,wash...)C:Then,peel the fruit.We need cut them up.Let's put them into the bowl.B:Bananas,apples,oranges,strawberries...A:Shall we need honey?C:Of course.Let me see...We need three teaspoons.A:OK,I'm finished.B:How much yogurt do we need?C:Two cups should be need.And suger.A:Is this enough suger?C:I guess so.B:I think we should mis them up.A:I agree with you.A&B&C:This is going to taste great!Let's eat it!以上是我自己编的对话,老师说和书上的差不多.希望就是这个中文的内容,但是最好句子不用这种的.句子可以有和上面一样的地方,
How to make a Greek salad
A: This evening I will make you a Greek salad for dinner.
B: Greek salad? I've never heard of that.
A: I learned this dish while I was in Greek. I love it and it tastes fresh and delicious.
B: Wow, I am so eager to know how to make it.
A: To make this dish, we need a cumcumber, a tomato, a few shrimps , some salt and some lucca oil.
B: What do we do next?
A: We cut the cucumber and tomato into cubes.
B: Small cubes or big cubes?
A: Neither too small nor too big. Look, just like this.
B: I suppose we should put the cubes in a big bowl.
A: How clever you are! After that, let's slice the shrimps. Shrimps are expensive. Usually we just use 3-5 of them. But today, I will use more because you are my honorable guest.
B: Thank you so much!
A: After the shrimps are sliced, we put them into the bowl, too. Then we add some salt and some lucca oil in it.
B: I don't see much difference in your Greek salad.
A: Don't worry. The most important step is the last one. We shall add some oregano (牛至叶) in it, which will make our salad very special.
B: Really?
A: Here you are. Please have a try yourself.
B: Err... it is really fresh, special and delicous!翻译:How to make a Greek salad 如何做希腊沙拉
A: This evening I will make you a Greek salad for dinner.今天晚饭我要为你做一道希腊沙拉.
B: Greek salad? I've never heard of that. 希腊沙拉?我可从来没听说过呀.
A: I learned this dish while I was in Greek. I love it and it tastes fresh and delicious.这道菜是我在希腊时学的.它吃起来新鲜可口,我特喜欢.
B: Wow, I am so eager to know how to make it. 哇,我太想知道怎么做了.
A: To make this dish, we need a cumcumber, a tomato, a few shrimps , some salt and some lucca oil. 要做这道菜,我们需要一根黄瓜,一个西红柿,一些虾,一点盐和一些橄榄油.
B: What do we do next? 然后呢?
A: We cut the cucumber and tomato into cubes. 我们将黄瓜和西红柿切成块.
B: Small cubes or big cubes? 小块还是大块?
A: Neither too small nor too big. Look, just like this. 不大不小.你看,就是这么大.
B: I suppose we should put the cubes in a big bowl. 我是不是得将它们都放碗里?
A: How clever you are! After that, let's slice the shrimps. Shrimps are expensive. Usually we just use 3-5 of them. But today, I will use more because you are my honorable guest. 你太聪明了.之后,我们将虾切成薄片. 虾很贵的.通常我只放三五个.但是今天,我要多放点,因为你是我尊贵的客人嘛.
B: Thank you so much! 谢了!
A: After the shrimps are sliced, we put them into the bowl, too. Then we add some salt and some lucca oil in it. 虾切好片后,也放碗里.然后我们再放些盐和橄榄油.
B: I don't see much difference in your Greek salad. 我觉得这道沙拉也没有什么不同呀.
A: Don't worry. The most important step is the last one. We shall add some oregano (牛至叶) in it, which will make our salad very special. 别急呀.最重要的步骤是最后一步.我们要在里面放些牛至叶,而牛至叶会让我们的沙拉与众不同.
B: Really? 真的?
A: Here you are. Please have a try yourself. 给,尝尝.
B: Err... it is really special ,fresh and delicous! 嗯...真的与众不同,又新鲜又可口.