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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 00:05:02
最好是自己写的或者准确翻译下面文章! 只有6天时间!! ①字数80以上最好少点(注意是分开的)②主要介绍黑客骇客区别和他们都做什么。(我做PPT用)
黑客最早源自英文hacker,是我们生活中经常提到的词,但到了今天,黑客一词已被用于泛指那些专门利用电脑网络搞破坏或恶作剧的家伙。对这些人的正确英文叫法是Cracker,有人翻译成“骇客”。Kevin David Mitnick是世界上公认的头号黑客,黑客和骇客根本的区别是:黑客们建设,而骇客们破坏。下面是一些骇客守则:
1 Never damage(破坏) any system. This will only get you into trouble.
2 Never use anyone''s real name or real phone number
3 Never leave your handle(痕迹) on any systems that you hack in to.
4 Do not hack government computers.
Hackers from hacker, the English is often mentioned in our life, but the word came today, a word has been used for hackers who specialized computer network by referring to disrupt or mischief. For these people call the correct English Cracker, someone is translated into "hackers". Kevin is the world recognized David Mitnick top hackers, hackers and hacker fundamental difference is: hackers construction and hackers. Below are some of the hacker code: