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跪求翻译下面这段话 英语 不要google在线翻译的 谢谢 好人一生平安

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 11:11:53
跪求翻译下面这段话 英语 不要google在线翻译的 谢谢 好人一生平安
一个人的成就,取决于习惯的好坏,好习惯能将你带入天堂,坏习惯也能将你送入地狱.既然习惯对于我们的人生来说是如此的重要,那么养成良好的习惯,摒弃不利于个人前途的习惯就变得愈益重要.然而,好习惯的养成和坏习惯的消除并非朝夕之功,也不是随随便便就能达成的事,所以就需要在专家的指导下,慢慢地来改变自己的习惯,从而改变自己的人生.改变做事习惯,像成功者那样去行动;改变学习习惯,在知识海洋中努力汲取成功的本领;改变工作习惯,在职场中稳操胜券,所向披靡;改变社交习惯,扩充助你成功的广泛人脉:改变理财习惯,让你的财富像雪球一样滚动;改变生活习惯,享受高质量的美好时光. 正是本着这一目的,从做事、学习、工作、社交、理财、生活六大方面分门别类地给出了一些建议,以帮助读者改变自己的行为,养成良好的习惯,达到重塑性格、改变人生、取得成功的目的.
One's achievement depends on whether his habits are good or bad. Good habits can bring you to heaven while bad ones can send you to the hell. Since habits are so impotant for our life, it becomes more important for us to develop good habits and desert the ones which are not good to our personal future. However, it is not a single effort in one morning or at a night to develop good habits and desert bad ones. It isn't something you can achieve casually, either. Therefore, it needs the guidance of experts to reform / change one's own habits so as to change his own life. Change your habits of working as a success acts; change your habits of studying to extend your public relations; change your habits of managing your wealth to make your wealth like a snow ball rolling; change your habits of living to enjoy high quality and beautiful time. Just aimed at this purpose, some advice is given to the readers from such the following six aspects as behaving, studying, working, social communication, wealth managing and living, to help them change their behaviors and develop good habits to achieve their goals of rebuilding their characters, changing their life and making success.