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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 17:43:57
有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起.当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是执意要上山去.于是,留下那个女的看营地.可过了三天都没有看见他们回来,那个女的有点担心了,心想可能是因为天气的原因吧.到了第七天,终于大家回来了,可是惟独她的男友没有回来.大家告诉她,在攻峰的第一天,他的男友就不幸死了!他们赶在头七回来,心想可能会回来找她的.  于是大家围成一个圈,把她放在中间.到了快十二点时,突然她的男友出现了,还浑身是血.他一把抓住她就往外跑,女朋友吓得哇哇大叫,极力挣扎.  这时她男友告诉她:在攻峰的第一天就发生了山难!全部的人都死了,只有他还活着...  你相信谁
One year,the mountain-climbing club went for mountain-climbing.There were a pair of lovers who love each other very deeply.Although the weather turned abruptly unfavorable when they were preparing for climbing the peak at the foot of the mountain,they insisted to climb.As a result,they decided to leave the girl to look after the camp.
Three days later,however,the girl started to worry as she didn’t see them back,but she comforted herself that it might be because of the bad weather.She waited and waited till the seventh day,she saw them all back but her boyfriend.They told her that her boyfriend had died unfortunately in the first day of climbing the peak,and they had decided to come back on the first seventh day,hoping that he might come back for her.Therefore they sat around her,forming a circle with her in the center.At around 12 o’clock her boyfriend showed up,covered all over with blood.He took hold of her and ran outside.The girl was so much scared that she shouted and cried while did her utmost to struggle away from his hold.At this moment,her boyfriend told her that there had happened a mountain disaster in the first day of climbing the peak and all of them had died except him…
Whom do you believe?
英语翻译有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起.当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是执意要上 英语翻译有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起.当他们到山环准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是要执意的 英语翻译你相信谁?有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起.当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还 那个鬼故事到底相信谁你相信谁?有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起.当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了 第一个故事 你相信谁? 有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起. 当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气 世界上著名登山运动员有哪些,介绍他们的事迹 英语翻译上周,我和我的朋友去电影院看电影,电影很好看,但是有对情侣在我的座位前面一直大声的说着话,我提醒了他们一次.但是 英语翻译有一对情侣去了美国.那个城市有一个杀人狂,专杀恋人,他们成为了杀人狂的牺牲品.生还的办法是一个剪刀石头布的游戏机 有一年,一个登山对要攀登一座雪山,想把足迹留在山峰上.食品.药品及其他登山器材都备齐了,有一位专家提 英语翻译求翻译帝.上周末,汤姆和他的同学登山,他们晚上又去公园踢足球,他们在公园遇见了老师Stone,老师向他们问好,之 有没有关于登山的作文啊,我想写我登山后自己始终感觉缺少点什么,因为我和她计划好了去登山,但是由于各种 今天天气不错,有没有去登山的呢?