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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:52:32
【act on sth奉行,遵照,根据…执行;对…起作用,生效】
I shall certainly act on your advice.我将按照你的建议来做.
Does the drug take long to act on the brain?这药要过很长时间才会对大脑产生作用吗?
【base sth on sth以…为根据/依据】
I base on my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上.
The film was based on a novel by Dickens.这部电影是以狄根斯的小说为根据的.
【call in on sb拜访】
Let’s call in on John.咱们去拜访约翰吧!
Let’s call at John’s house.咱们去约翰家吧!
Let’s call in on John at John’s house.
【comment on sth评论,发表意见】
I refuse to comment on his work.我拒绝评论他的工作.
The minister declined to comment on the rumors of his resignation.部长拒绝就他的辞职发表评论.
【concentrate on集中精力/注意力】
Please concentrate on what you are doing.集中精力做好你的工作.
I can’t concentrate on my work when I am hungry.我饿了就无法集中精力工作.
【congratulate on祝贺,道贺】
He congratulated me on having got engaged.他对我的订婚向我道贺.
We congratulated him on having come first on his exams.我们祝贺他考试得了第一名.
【consult sth/sb about请教,查阅;找(医生)诊治 consult with sb与某人商量(事情)】
consult about the matter商议此事 consult with counsel与法律顾问商议
I consulted a doctor about my pains.我找过医生诊治病痛.
特别注意:consult a doctor about one’s illness找医生治病
consult reference books翻阅参考书
consult the dictionary查辞典
【count on依靠,依赖,信赖】
I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter.
Don’t count on a salary increase this year.别指望今年会加薪.
【decide on考虑后做出决定,下决心】
We have decided on Paris for our next holiday.我们已决定下次度假去巴黎.
【depend on依靠,依赖,信赖】
You can depend on me.你可以信赖我.
Children must depend on their parents.孩子们必须依赖他们的父母
You can depend on his honesty.你可以相信他的诚实.
【economize on节省,节约,节俭】
We must economize on fuel.我们必须节省燃料.
特别注意:economy经济 economist经济学家 ecnomics经济学
【embark on开始,从事】
We have embarked on a new scheme.我们开始了一项新的计划.
He embarked on a long journey.他开始了漫长的旅行.
【experiment on/upon sth进行试验/实验】
They began by experimenting on rats.他们开始用老鼠做试验.
【insist on sth/doing sth一定要…;坚决主张;坚持】
I insisted on your telling me the truth.我一定要你告诉我真相.
She kept insisting on her innocence.她坚持说她是清白的.
【lean sth on/upon/against sth使某物靠在另一物上】
Don’t lean on that shelf!You’ll regret it!别靠在那个架在上!你会后悔的!
The old man leaned(=leant) upon his stick.那个老先生拄着个拐杖.
【live on以某物为食;依靠】
He’s never done any work.He lives on his mother.
Do you live on fruit and vegetables?你靠吃水果和蔬菜生活吗?
【operate on动手术】
They can only cure him of his illness if they operate on him.只有给他做手术才能治好他的病.
The doctors decided to operate on her immediately.医生决定马上给她动手术.
【perform on履行,执行;表演,演奏】
perform a task执行任务
perform skilfully on the flute熟练地吹奏横笛.
Has this play ever been performed on the stage?这个戏剧在舞台上表演过了吗?
【pride oneself on sth/doing sth以…而自豪;得益于…】
She prides herself on her clean house.她对自己干净的房屋非常得意.
He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.他在紧急关头十分镇静而感到自豪.
【rely on指望,依赖】
You can never rely on him to be punctual.你别指望他守时.
You must rely on your parents for tuition.你必须靠父母缴学费.
【vote on(motion动议)投票,表决】
voted yes on the motion对这项动议投赞同票
voting against the measure投票反对提案
took a vote on the issue.在这个问题上采取投票(vote为名词)
If we can’t agree,let’s vote on it.咱们意见要是不一致就表决吧.
【vote for投票/表决赞成】
We all voted for the motion.我们都投票赞成这个动议.
【write on/about撰写关于…的文章】
Don’t write on the desk.
Her joy is written on her face.他的脸上显露出喜悦的心情.
Her heroic image is written on our hearts.她的英雄形象永远铭刻在我们心中.
She writes on/about politics for a weekly journal.她为一家周刊撰写政治性文章.