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要不要用动词原形?百度上看到个,一个网友翻译的.这样算错吗?Need I brought you something t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:58:20
Need I brought you something to eat?
need 情态动词了吧.后面是不是 要用bring ,原形.
than I expected (it would have taken)taken 后省略了,take XX days
than I expected (it would have taken) taken 后省略了,take XX days
海外老师朋友,我绝对没有难为您的意思。只是了解下而已。如果我的不解 给您早成困惑的话,我表示抱歉。但都是善意 望您理解
是 Need I bring you something to eat?
need + 代词 + 动词原型
We need not bother sending the email.He already has the information.
John need not go.He won't be missed.
再问: 能帮我翻译3个句子不 1 快递员电话通知我去取包裹 2 我的包裹估计3天会到 3 我的包裹比预计的 早来2天 / 晚来了3天 谢谢
再答: 能。 1. The courier company has notified me to pick up my package. 2. I estimate it will take 3 days for the package to arrive. 3. The package arrived (2 days earlier)/(3 days later) than I expected.
再问: 第一句。我想体现出 电话 通知啊。呵呵。谢谢。
再答: 1. The courier company called me to pick up my package. called me = 电话通知
再问: 谢谢回答的很好。感谢。马上采纳 再问一个, 3. The package arrived (2 days earlier)/(3 days later) than I expected. than I expected , expected 这里就看做不及物动词,还是ADJ ? 不需要后 接什么词了啊。表示比 自己的期待,谢谢。。百度HI。看您不在线啊。
再答: expect 是(及物)动词, 过去时态, 不是 adj 。 than I expected = than I thought = than I anticipated .
再问: 嗯。。。您有QQ或是百度HI。 我的912530697,方便加我 。呵呵 expect 是(及物)动词, 过去时态, 不是 adj 。 than I expected 嗯。我也同意 这里是动词, 那 要是及物动词,那 后面 少宾语啊? expect我查了 可以 做不及物动词。呵呵
再答: than I expected (it would have) it would have 被省略了。 我无 QQ, 可用HI 联系。
再问: 大哥,,我给你百度HI,发了连续几个 信息。。怎么一直没反应啊?您没开么? 谢谢 than I expected (it would have) it would have 被省略了。 呵呵。expect 解释明白了, than I expected it would have expected 后面又跟了个从句, 从句后面have,又没宾语了。。看糊涂了。。。。 百度HI。大致解释下吧。。。劳烦您啦。
再答: than I expected (it would have taken)
再问: 嗯。谢谢了,也辛苦了。。反正是看越糊涂了。。。than I expected (it would have taken) 不知道怎么又跑出来个taken了?。。。可能真是我驽钝吧。呵呵
再答: 你要的是翻译,我给你翻译了。英语是我母语,我居海外,也曾是海外英语老师,这个翻译 绝对准确。英语不是语法学来的,是接触、运用学来的,不必过度分析吧。