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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:38:20
Yangliuqing Museum (The Residence of The Shi Family)
Ladies and gentlemen,
First,let me,on behalf of the staff in SItong Travel Agency,extend my warmest welcome to all of you.My name's Sun Hao,and I'm working as a tour guide with the travel agency.You can just call me Sun.I'll accompany you in today's tour around the Yangliuqing Museum.Mr.Ma is driving the coach for us.As a very skillful driver with more than ten years of working experience,he'll ensure us a smooth and safe journey.I'll be glad if I can be of any assistance to you.If you have any further questions or other requests,do let me know,so that I can figure out ways to help.Finally,wish you a happy and wonderful trip!
Let me make a brief introduction of the Yangliuqing Museum first.The site where the museum lies is the residence belonging to Shi Yuanshi,owner of one of the eight grand family in Tianjin in the old days.Shi's ancestor came from Dong'e County in Shandong Province,engaged in water transport of grain.As the wealth gradually accumulated,the Shi Family moved to Yangliuqing and bought large tracts of land and set up their residence.Shi Yuanshi came from the fourth generation of the family,who was a successful businessman and a good household manager,and the residence was thus enlarged for several times until it acquired the present scale.It is believed to be the first mansion in the west of Tianjin.
The residence is symmetric based on the axis formed by a passage way in the middle,on which there are four archways.On the east side of the courtyard,there are traditional single-story houses with rows of rooms around the four sides,which was once the living area for the Shi Family.The rooms on north side were the accountants' office.On the west are the major constructions including the family hall for worshipping Buddha,theater and the south reception room.On both sides of the residence are side yard rooms for maids and servants.
Now,we have arrived at the parking.It's 9:00 am and we will stay here for two and half hours before we gather again at 11:30 am.Please remember we are taking a white colored Golden Dragon coach made in Xiamen with the license number Jin A2345,in case you may get lost.Please take care of your money and other valuable accessories.Ok,we can get off the bus.
Please come this way,and we are now at the reception room,where the whole family used to dicussed family matters and received guests.Look at this eight-leaf screen.The birds and flowers of the four seasons are carved with great elaboration.(The designs on two sides of the screen are identical,which actually form sixteen leaves.) The heating system in the room is also remarkable.The coal is burnt outside the room and heat is channeled in through underground pipeline.This system can rarely been found in civilian houses,and the only place having the same system is the Forbidden City,the imperial palace.
This room is used for worshipping.The sculpture of Guanyin Bodhisattva and the tablets representing the ancestors of the family are placed in the middle.(The sculpture of Guan Yu is up there and the three down below are the deities representing good luck,wealth and career,and health.) The room is framed with eight poles and four beam,and you can see the poems written on the beams.
Now let's have a look at this lotus gate,(a typical structure often found in palaces.It is so called because the gate looks like a up-side-down lotus.Ther are three such gate in the residence,each representing a different phase of the blossom.) The one we see now is the most elegant,in the shape of a bud ready to burst.
The wood carving on the front posts are nine lions,and in Chinese connotation,they represent high social atatus.On the back of the posts are peony and phoenix,as the king of birds and flowers according to Chinese legend,they represent wealth and rank.(The other patterns,including the lions,the balls made of strips of silk,the heads of elephants,crane and deer welcoming the spring,chrysanthemum,peony lotus,eight horses,all entail the theme of auspiciousness and happy life.)
Come this way,please,and here is the second lotus gate.This one is in the shape of a lotus in full blossom.The patterns on the posts entail the theme of good luck and better career.The third lotus gate is designed into a lotus bearing fruit.The patterns on the gate are calabashes,which in Chinese connotation predict a long last of the clan.The three gates all show the owner's longing for the well-off,health and flourishing of the family clan.
Let's go to see the theater,which is the biggest one in the private residences in North China.The wooden structured building lies in the middle in the courtyard.There are 12 poles supporting the veranda,on which the guards kept watch.The theater has all together 120 seats.The seats in the middle are for the officials and distinguished guests,and those on the stairs at the back are for female family members.The stage in the front is about 20 square meters on which many famous actors once gave their performance.Behind the stage is the place where actors were dressed up and took a rest.The ingenious design of the theater ensures a cool summer and a warm winter.It can also effectively resist noise.Although the hall is big,there is even no need for a microphone.The roof made of iron sheet is also from the courtyard outside.The roof made of iron sheet is also unique,with a Chinese character nailed on it meaning long life.
Here is the escribition room,let's have a look at the Yangliuqing Fine Arts Press,which is one of the three schools in China.There are five processes before a picture comes into being,including tracing,carving,chromatography,coloring and mounting,among which coloring is the most sophisticated.
(here is the first exhibition room,where the masterpieces from emperor Kangxi to Emperor Qianlong in Qing Dynasty are on display.Pictures in that period mainly depicted folk life and historical legends.The themes are mostly welfare and wealth.Pictures here are from Emperor Jiaqing to Emperor Daoguang,and they all bear the significance of auspiciousness,like this "Bathing the baby" and "Kilyn bringing the child".)
The next exhibition room is used for pictures on lanterns,the theme of which is advocating industry and generosity.There are 24 lamps in this set,and they have become the treasure of the museum.Those lamps down below are also precious,the themes are "uprighteousness","honesty in business" etc.These "lyre-playing,chess,calligraphy and painting" lamps,and the one about "Katydid playing" are handed down from Emperor Tongzhi and Emperor Guangxu.They are all depicted with great vitality and vividness.
This part of the exhibition is about the traditional Chinese wedding.This is the bridal sedan chair.(The round shaped paper cuttings mean the family union and harmony.) Dates,chestnuts,peanuts,walnuts are scattered on the table,as in Chinese connotation they all mean having more babies.(Here are the costumes and dewry for the bride.) Brick carvings there all comefrom the civil residences in the town of Yangliuqing.The thousand year long history of this small town has been condensed in the exquisite designs.This is "all bird paying tribute to phoenix,the king",which means harmony and happiness.(On that brick,and old monkey,with a baby on his back,is trying to steal peaces on the tree.But unfortunately they hit the hive and are stung by the bees.The pattern,in Chinese pronunciation,means high social rank for every family member.)
(Please follow me this way,and we are going to visit a street preserved from the end of Qing Dynasty.In the old days,Yangliuqing was nicknamed as "miniature for the city of Tianjin",as names of places all resemble those in the city proper.The customs and business style are similar as well.The then prosperous scene in Yangliuqing has been restored in this street,forming a miniature for this once biggest business district in North China.The antithetical couplet outside the imperial grain ad ministration urges people to engage in a fair and squre race in business competition and keep honest in transactions.)
Ok,we are now at the introduction model,and now you can enjoy some time by yourself (and tour around the yards again.) Please remember to gather at 12:00 am.
Ladies and gentlemen,we are about to finish the journey today.(It's my great pleasure having accompanied you,and I hope I have done a satisfactory job.) May I express my sincere thanks to you for the support and understanding you have shown on the trip,and wish you a good health and a wonderful life.