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英语翻译Most animals only have animalsof a different kind for fo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:26:36
Most animals only have animalsof a different kind for food but sonetimes two kinds of animals come together in a partner ship which is good for them .you may have noticed some birds on the backs of sheep .this is not brcause they want a ride .but because they find easy food ----the parasites on sheep .the sheep let birds do so besause they can stop the parasites from troubing them .So thought they can do with it by themseves ,they can do better together with each other .Sometimes an animal has a plant partner .the relationship develops until the two partners cannot do without each other .This is so in corals of the sea .Inside their bodies they have very small piants ,which act as "cleaners",taking the useless things from the coral and giving oxygen in teturn .that is what the animal needs to live .If the plants are killed ,or are even kept from receiving light so that they cannot live as usual ,the corals will die.这一篇..拜托了...
Most animals only have animalsof a different kind for food but sonetimes two kinds of animals come together in a partner ship which is good for them .绝大多数动物都只会把其它种类的动物当作食物,但是有的时候,两种动物会走到一起,形成一种互利的搭档关系.you may have noticed some birds on the backs of sheep .你可能曾经注意到有些鸟类会在羊的背上.this is not brcause they want a ride .but because they find easy food ----the parasites on sheep .这不是因为鸟类想要骑羊,而是因为这样便于它们(鸟类)觅食--羊身上的寄生虫.the sheep let birds do so besause they can stop the parasites from troubing them .而羊让鸟这样做是因为鸟类可以使寄生虫停止烦扰它们.So thought they can do with it by themseves ,they can do better together with each other .于是,虽然它们可以独立地达到同样的目的,但是联合起来对它们来说更好.Sometimes an animal has a plant partner .the relationship develops until the two partners cannot do without each other .有的时候动物会有植物来做为搭档.这种关系会一直发展直至搭档双方已经无法离开对方.This is so in corals of the sea .Inside their bodies they have very small piants ,which act as "cleaners",taking the useless things from the coral and giving oxygen in teturn .比如说海里的珊瑚.它们体内有一种很小的植物,像清洁工一样,把珊瑚内没用的垃圾清理掉,并为其释放氧气.that is what the animal needs to live .那是这个动物生存所需要的.If the plants are killed ,or are even kept from receiving light so that they cannot live as usual ,the corals will die.如果这些植物都死了的话,或者甚至只是被隔离开不能得到光源而它们无法正常生活,珊瑚也会死亡.