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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 14:37:36
Packaging design is the impact on sales of key products,it can be guaranteed to provide consumers with the value of information.can boost product sales,but also to create brand effect.With the rapid economic development,international trade,the increasing size of the market for,the idea of doing something unorthodox,distinct personality,prominent,strong visual effect of the product package design played an important role.Therefore packaging design to follow the needs of the times always changing innovation.People's living standards have changed,and people's aesthetic ideas changed the lives of the people demand is also changing.Consumer goods packaging loathe the old and the new pair of brand awareness,China in particular brand began more and more to the world market,packaging design needs more advance with the times,need for innovation.And in the 21st century is to design culture of the times,is also bound to be cultural design of the times.to be conscious of the cultural awareness of the introduction of innovative design ideas,innovation culture as the soul.