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She will ( )the area after ( ) her studies

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 00:36:17
She will ( )the area after ( ) her studies
A return to,finishing B return finish C go back finishing D get back tofinish
排除法 第二个空 after 介词 后面ing 排除 BD
然后the area go back 直接接地点一般不会有the
再问: Half the class ( ) plant trees tomorrow A are going to B ia going to C will go D will be going to
再答: 这题的考点在于 Half the class 到底作为整体还是作为单个 很显然这个是整体很多人一起去种树 所以选A C的话要 planting
再问: -I wonder if it is going to rain next week -If it ( ),Ihave to stay at home A is B does C do D will
再答: 这个地方我用我的语感去判断肯定会去掉A和D 那就是bc了 if it does =if it rains 采纳吧,不然我要把你的卷子做完了
再问: Do not play with the knife ,( ) you may cut yourself Sorry ,I () A or,will not B so do C and ,do not D but will 并翻译后一句 谢谢
再答: 选A 别玩刀,否则会切到自己 对不起,我会小心的(意译) 或者 对不起,我不会的