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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 13:56:45
没看懂主要讲的什么 A lot of teachers hate doodlers(乱写乱画的人)during classes. "Pay attention!" Teachers will often
warn doodling students, sure that they must be daydreaming.
However, according to a recent study, doodling while listening to a boring lecture helps concentrate(集中)the attention:
Andrade, a psychology professor in England asked participants to listen to a boring lecture. Half the
participants were told to color in squares and circles freely on a piece of paper while listening to the
lecture. The other half weren’t given a task. After it was over, the participants were asked to retell the
Those given the doodling task (color in squares and circles) remembered 29 percent more information
than the non-doodlers. Andrade said.
"If someone is doing a boring task, like listening to a dull conversation, they may start daydream,"
said Professor Andrade.
"Daydreaming distracts(使分心)them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task,
like doodling, can stop them from daydreaming without affecting their performance at the task," he said.
So the next time you're doodling during a class, and you hear "pay attention", you can tell the teacher
解题思路: 解答如下
翻译大意如下: 很多老师讨厌在课堂上乱写乱画的学生.老师警告乱写乱画的学生要注意,认为他们一定是在做白日梦. 然而最近一个调查表明乱写乱画可以帮助集中注意力当他们在听一个乏味的演讲时. Andrade英格兰的一位心理教授要求学生去听一个乏味的演讲.并要求一半的学生边听演讲边在一张纸上自由发挥地画画,而另一半不给任何的任务, 最后要求所有的学生去重述演讲内容.结果带着任务去画的学生重述的内容信息要比没有任务的学生要多29%.Andrade说如果某人在做一个乏味的任务就像听一个冗长的乏味的谈话,那么他们就会开始做白日梦.白日梦使得学生从任务中分心,结果记忆的东西就少啦.他说:"像乱写乱画这样简单的任务就可以防止他们做白日梦,而且没有影响他们在任务中的发挥. 因此,下次你在课堂上乱写乱画时,老师叫"注意"的时候你就告诉老师.