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英语的时态 1.一般现在时 2.现在进行时 3.现在完成时 4.现在完成进行时 5.一般过去时 6.过去完成时 的公

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 15:50:11
英语的时态 1.一般现在时 2.现在进行时 3.现在完成时 4.现在完成进行时 5.一般过去时 6.过去完成时 的公
7.过去进行时 8.过去进行时 9.过去将来时 的公式
八种时态 主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 (经常,反复,爱好,特点,条件,真理) do; does am;is;are done
一般过去时 (过去发生的事,不强调现在的结果) did; -ed was;were done
一般将来时 (将要发生的事) will do will be done
现在进行时 (现在正在发生的事) am;is;are doing am;is;are being done
过去进行时 (当时正在发生的事) was;were doing was;were being done
现在完成时 (过去发生的事,强调现在的结果) have;has done have;has been done
过去完成时 (过去完成的事;过去以前发生的事) had done had been done
过去将来时 (过去将要发生的事) would do would be done
• He is always ready to help others. 一般现在时
• She often came to help us in those days.一般过去式
• He is doing his homework now. 现在进行时
• At that time she was doing her homework.过去进行时
• I've written an article.现在完成时
• By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books .过去完成时
• It is going to rain.一般将来时
• I asked who was going there. 过去将来时
2.时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays,
3.基本结构:动词 原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)
I am a student.——I am not a student.——Is she a student?
He knows the answer of my question.
He doesn’t know the answer of my question.
Does he know the answer of my question?
二、 一般过去时
2.时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last(year, night, month…), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc.
3.基本结构:be动词;I was a student last year.
行为动词 的过去式I finished my homework yesterday
4.否定形式:was/were+not; I was not a student last year.
在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词.I didn’t finish my homework yesterday

5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;Were you a student last year?
用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词.Didn’t they finish my homework yesterday?

三、 现在进行时
2.时间状语:now, at this time, days, etc. look . listen
3.基本结构:be+doing He is doing his homework now.
4.否定形式:be+not+doing. He is not doing his homework now.
5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首.Is he doing his homework now.
四、 过去进行时
2.时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等.
3.基本结构 s+was/were+doing When he knocked at the door, his mother was cooking.
4.否定形式:s+was/were + not + doing. When he knocked at the door, his mother was not cooking.
5.一般疑问句:把was或were放于句首.(第一个字母大写)Was his mother cooking, when he knocked at the door?
2.时间状语:yet,already,just,never,ever,so far,by now,since+时间点,for+时间段,recently, lately, in the past few years, etc.
3.基本结构:have/has + done
The countryside has changed a lot in the past few years. 这个农村在过去的几年里变化了很多
4.否定形式:have/has + not +done. The countryside has not changed a lot in the past few years.
5.一般疑问句:have或has.Has the countryside changed a lot in the past few years.

六、 过去完成时
2.时间状语:before, by the end of last year(term, month…),etc.
3.基本结构:had + done.
As soon as we got to the station, the train had left.
By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books.
4.否定形式:had + not + done. By the end of last month. We had not reviewed four books.
5.一般疑问句:had放于句首.By the end of last month. Had we reviewed four books.
2.时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, in a few minutes, by…,the day after tomorrow, etc.
3.基本结构:主语+am/is/are+going to + do;will/shall + do.
It is going to rain.
They will finish work tomorrow.
4.否定形式:am/is/are not going to do ;will/shall not do.
It is not going to rain.
They will not finish work tomorrow.
Is it going to rain?
Will they finish work tomorrow?
Yes, they will.
No, they won’t.
八、 过去将来时
2.时间状语:the next day(morning, year…),the following month(week…),etc.
3.基本结构:was/were+going to + do;would/should + do.
They told me that they would go to work in Guangdong.
4.否定形式:was/were/not + going to + do;would/should + not + do.
They told me that they would not go to work in Guangdong.
5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首.
He said he was going there.
Was he going there?
英语的时态 1.一般现在时 2.现在进行时 3.现在完成时 4.现在完成进行时 5.一般过去时 6.过去完成时 的公 帮忙写一篇包含英语时态 一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时,现在完成进行时,过去进行 英语时态公式:急求: 过去完成时 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 过去进行时 一般将来时 一般过去时 的公式,最好有 各个时态的标志语时态要全(一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,完成进行时,过去完成时)感激不尽! 英语:一般过去时 一般现在时 一般将来时 现在进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 过去进行时的构成? 英语“一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、现在进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时” go的时态go的一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 过去将来时 现在进行时 过去进行时现在完成时 过去完成时 现在完成进 英语中时态用词的运用例如:一般现在时,一般将来时,现在完成时,过去完成时,将来完成时,一般过去时,现在进行时等等……越详 现在完成时,现在完成进行时,过去完成时,一般过去时,的区别 写出do的一般现在时,现在进行时现在完成时,一般过去时过去进行时,过去完成时,一般将来时,将来进行时,将来完成时. 有关英语时态的问题一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时;现在进行时,过去进行时,将来进行时;过去完成时,现在完成时,将来完 初中英语时态问题一般过去时/一般现在时/一般将来时/现在完成时/现在完成进行时/过去完成时/过去进行时.初中一共只有这个