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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 15:29:51
我在加拿大读IB,萨克斯和钢琴在准备RCM10级(practical和乐理还有音乐历史因为都要考 - 乐理包括rudiments,harmonic 1&2,history 1&2),可以做高考题(可以及格TT),还学了一些微积分…明年9月份要选课,不知道要学IB音乐HL还是物理HL(会选化学数学HL for sure)不知道音乐和物理哪个更难…求各位IB大神帮助…
举手,我是学IB的,Grade 11,只不过group 6学的是art HL, natural sciences学的也是physics,但是是SL.
不过我有很多朋友学physics HL和music HL的.据反应(和抓狂程度),都非常难.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program 本身就是最受认可的 programs 之一,在报大学时加分也非常多,所以,肯定也非常难.可以说,它的科目没有一个是容易啃下来的.像我选art本来以为画画就好了,现在sketch book里全是research and analysis... didn't even touch the canvas yet...
既然都难,那么推荐楼主选择自己更加有把握的,或者更喜欢的.不过建议focus一下你的HL课程,既然学的是化学和数学,那么选physics seems much more legit. 选音乐感觉有点不搭边.
我的HL courses are math, art, and chinese literature. 这三个都不是省油的灯,我已经被摧残了⋯⋯被人说太diverse了,之间没有什么关联.最近在考虑降下math,把psychology升到HL.
再问: 嗯怎么说因为我现在不是很想的好以后要学什么…有可能学音乐有可能学医…我不喜欢在学校学生物因为很诡异…我现在打算选English A SL Mandarin A SL and get the bilingual diploma. then math HL and Chem HL cuz I've learnt them myself... so the last one gonna choose is... not quite sure Muic or Physics... but just wondering is there any disadvantage to be "diverse" in course choosing?
再答: 1、课程太过 diverse 的话,之间没有什么关联,就没那么容易学。比如说,我现在在physics正在用Logarithms to solve problems, and I have already learned that in math HL. Your math HL and chem HL are both 理科,so if you do 同为理科的 physics, there may be some overlapping of the courses, and it will make it easier for you to learn. However, music isn't that relative to your other HL courses. But remember, this applies to all your IB courses, so even if you take physics HL, you would know some of the mathematic skills required for it in math, but you are disadvantaged for music. (Phew, seems long and confusing). 2. Some majors in university require students to take several courses, like, if you want to be an engineering, math is essential. If you wanna be a doctor in the future, bio and chem are quite important.. however, I have heard that pre-med programs in universities do not require previous knowledge. As you said, you are vacillating between being a doctor or a musician, and that is essential to your choice between physics and music. So, MAKE UP YOUR MIND. But bear in mind that you do not necessarily need "exact" courses to take majors. If you take music now, and decide to be a doctor, it is still okay, but you would lose an advantage. So, in the end, the choice is till up to you. You can ask your counselor and teachers for advice though, they have a lot of experience.