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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 07:31:03
1.If something happens once,it happens one time only.
2.You use once a day/week/month to indicate that something happens regularly,one time in each day,week,or month.
3.If something was once true,it was true at some time in the past,but is no longer true.
4.If someone once did something,they did it at some time in the past.
5.If something happens once another thing has happened,it happens immediately afterwards.
6.If something happens all at once,it happens suddenly,often when you are not expecting it to happen.
= all of a sudden
7.If you do something at once,you do it immediately.
= immediately
8.If a number of different things happen at once or all at once,they all happen at the same time.
9.For once is used to emphasize that something happens on this particular occasion,especially if it has never happened before,and may never happen again.
10.If something happens once again or once more,it happens again.
11.If something happens once and for all,it happens completely or finally.
12.If something happens once in a while,it happens sometimes,but not very often.
= occasionally
13.If you have done something once or twice,you have done it a few times,but not very often.
14.Once upon a time is used to indicate that something happened or existed a long time ago or in an imaginary world.It is often used at the beginning of children's stories.
Left is the past tense and past participle of leave.
2.If there is a certain amount of something left,or if you have a certain amount of it left,it remains when the rest has gone or been used.
3.If there is a certain amount of something left over,or if you have it left over,it remains when the rest has gone or been used.
1.If a situation that used to exist still exists,it has continued and exists now.
2.If something that has not yet happened could still happen,it is possible that it will happen.If something that has not yet happened is still to happen,it will happen at a later time.
3.If you say that there is still an amount of something left,you are emphasizing that there is that amount left.
4.You use still to emphasize that something remains the case or is true in spite of what you have just said.
= nonetheless
5.You use still to indicate that a problem or difficulty is not really worth worrying about.
6.You use still in expressions such as still further,still another,and still more to show that you find the number or quantity of things you are referring to surprising or excessive.
= even
7.You use still with comparatives to indicate that something has even more of a quality than something else.