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1.They often celebrate their nation,s birthday.2.We ofter go

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 21:16:19
1.They often celebrate their nation,s birthday.2.We ofter go home at half past five.
3.My friends sometimes speak English in the classroom.把这三个句子改为否定句,疑问句,并作回答
1. They often celebrate their nation,s birthday.
否定句:They don't often celebrate their nation,s birthday.
一般疑问句:Do they often celebrate their nation,s birthday?
肯定回答:Yes, they do.
否定回答:No, they don't
2. We often go home at half past five.
否定句:We don't often go home at half past five
一般疑问句:Do you often go home at half past five?
肯定回答:Yes, we do.
否定回答:No, we don't
3.My friends sometimes speak English in the classroom.
否定句:My friends sometimes don't speak English in the classroom.
一般疑问句:Do your friends sometimes speak English in the classroom?
肯定回答:Yes, they do.
否定回答:No, they don't
再问: 1.Miss Li isn't in her sister's room. She is at school. 2. Class begin at eight o'clock. 3. Where is your watch ? Let's look for it. 4. There are ten departments in my college. I'm in the Chinese Department. 5. Do you have English Classes on Saturday evenings ? 6. Do you study on Youth Day. 7.Where do you live ? I live in 21 Bridge Street in Nanchang. 把这些句子翻译成汉语
再答: 1. 李老师不在她妹妹的房间。 2. 8点开始上课。 3. 你的手表在哪儿?让我们一起寻找吧。 4. 我们大学有10个系(部门),我在中文系。 5. 你周六晚上有英语课吗? 6. 你在五四青年节这天学习吗? 7. 你住在哪儿?我住在南昌大桥街21号 望采纳!祝开心!