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英语翻译1.Express that x differs from -7 by more than 3 as an in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:45:09
1.Express that x differs from -7 by more than 3 as an inequality involving absolute value.
Solve for x.
2.A landscaping company sells 40-pound bags of top soil.The actual weight x of a bag,
however,may differ from the advertised weight by as much as 0.75 pound.Write an
inequality involving absolute value that expresses the relationship between the actual
weight x of a bag and 40 pounds.Over what range may the weight of a 40-pound bag of to
soil vary?
1.用一个含有绝对值的不等式表示此关系:x 与 -7 相差大于 3 ,并求出 x (的范围) .
2.一家景观美化公司出售袋装表土,每袋 40 磅.然而一袋表土的真实重量,与标示的重量可能相差多达 0.75 磅.请用一个含有绝对值的不等式表示一袋表土的实重 x 和 40 磅的关系.这种一袋 (标示为) 40 磅表土的重量可能会在哪个范围内变化?
(倒数第二行右边是否为 40-pound bag of top soil 好像掉了一个 p ...)
LZ 还需要帮忙解题吗?翻译成中文应该就比较简单了.加油吧!