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英语翻译Matthew,25,works as a guide on tour buses in London.He's

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 23:46:17
Matthew,25,works as a guide on tour buses in London.He's an actor,but it's very difficult for young actors to find work,so he does this for extra money.With the microphone in his hand,Matthew gives more of a show than a tour.
"They say small people always do well,"he begins,as the bus moves slowly round Trafalgar Square."Lord Nelson and Napoleon,Emperor of France,was 137 cm.i'm 185 cm--and I work on a bus."
People don't always understand his jokes,but everyone likes his tours,and Matthew certainly knows lots of interesting facts.
"That 's a statue of Queen Anne,"he says,"She had 17 children.And that'the famous Ritz Hotel - Hollywood stars Charlie Chaplin and Cary Grant both worked there."
"Oh ,and the's Bucking ham Palace,where my ex-girlfriend works,She was horrible to me.Let's all short ,'Clare!You were stupid to finish with Matthew!' "immediately the tourists all stand up and shout across the street,"Clare!You were stupid to finish with Matthew!"
"Some people are only here for 24 hours," says Matthew,"but I want them to leave London happy."
“这是安妮女王雕像”,他说,“她有17个孩子.这是著名的丽兹酒店 -好莱坞明星查理卓别林和加里格兰特都在那里工作过.”“噢,那是白金汉宫,我的前女友在那工作,她对我很凶.让我喊一下,‘克莱尔,你和马修分手真是太蠢了.’”所有的游客立刻站起来喊着,“克莱尔,你和马修分手真是太蠢了!”
再问: would youlike to be a tour guide or an actor? why/why no? 要怎么回答呢?万分感谢