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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:58:18
espect[ris'pekt] n.尊敬[重][pl.]敬意,问候重视,关心,考虑着眼点,方面歧视Show respect to those who are older.尊敬长者.We must pay respect to the needs of the general reader .我们必须关心一般读者的需要.I think you are wrong in every respect .我觉得你各方面都错了.They should do that without respect to race.他们做那件事时不该有种族歧视.习惯用语 command respect 令人肃然起敬 give one's respects to 向...致候 have respect for 尊敬[重],重视 have respect to 牵 涉到,关系到 注意到,考虑到 hold sb.in respect 尊敬某人 in all respects (=in every respect) 无论在哪方面[哪一点]来看,在各方面 in many respects 在许多方面 in no respect 无论在哪方面[哪一点]都不是...; 完全不是...in one respect 在一个方面,在一点上 in respect that 因为...; 如果考虑到...in respect to [of] 关于,就...来说; 对...有影响的 in some respects 在某些方面 in that [this] respect 在那一[这一]方面 no respect of persons with 对...无所偏袒 out of respect for sb.出于对某人的尊敬 pay last respects to 向(死者)告别 pay one's respects to sb.向...请安[致敬]; 拜访 pay respect to 斟酌,考虑,关心 send one's respects to 向...问候 show respect for 对...表示尊敬 win the respect of all 处处受人尊敬 with respect to 关于 without respect to [of] 不考虑...,不管...n.(与of,for连用)尊敬;尊重to show respect to those who are older 尊敬长者 The students have great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师.关心;注意to pay (have) respect to 关心 (pl) 敬意;问候Give my respects to your wife.请代我向你太太问好.词性变化 vt.尊敬;尊重I respect his courage.我敬佩他的勇气.I'll respect your wishes.我尊重你的愿望.Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant."一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人."习惯用语 in all respects 无论从哪方面来看 in respect of 关于;就…来说 pay one's respects 拜访 without respect to 不管;不考虑 with respect to 谈到 with respect to the recent flood 谈到最近的洪水