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A fly was flying around a web but it s_(1)_ that it didn't w

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 10:54:48
A fly was flying around a web but it s_(1)_ that it didn't want to land,so finally the spider who lived in the web put its head out and i_(2)_ it in.
"No,thank you," said the fly."I was looking for other flies but I don't see any.I only feel safe in a c_(3)_."
The fly flew away.After a while ,it came across a l_(4)_ number of flies sitting on a large piece of paper.
"Don't land!"w_(5)_ a bee flying past."it's flypaper.All those flies are stuck to it."
"What nonsense,"r_(6)_ the fly angrily."they are e_(7)_ themselves!Look!They are dancing!"
"They are not dancing!They are trying to f_(8)_ themselves!"shouted the bee,but the fly wasn't listening.
It settled on the flypaper,and got s_(9)_.
Remember:Safety in n_(10)_ may be a good slogan,but it isn't always true.
A fly was flying around a web but it seemed_(1)_ that it didn't want to land,so finally the spider who lived in the web put its head out and invited_(2)_ it in.
"No,thank you," said the fly."I was looking for other flies but I don't see any.I only feel safe in a crowd_(3)_."
The fly flew away.After a while ,it came across a large_(4)_ number of flies sitting on a large piece of paper.
"Don't land!"warned_(5)_ a bee flying past."it's flypaper.All those flies are stuck to it."
"What nonsense,"replied_(6)_ the fly angrily."they are enjoy_(7)_ themselves!Look!They are dancing!"
"They are not dancing!They are trying to free_(8)_ themselves!"shouted the bee,but the fly wasn't listening.
It settled on the flypaper,and got stuck_(9)_.
Remember:Safety in numbers_(10)_ may be a good slogan,but it isn't always true.