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英语翻译With the development of internet,technology of routing h

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 05:18:00
With the development of internet,technology of routing has been studied by more and more researcher.Routing is a fundamental problem in communication networks.In traditional data networks,routing is achieved by best effort routing.Best effort routing is primarily concerned with providing connectivity.FIFO provides best-effort service.Here,flows are not differentiated and are serviced on a first-come,first-served basis.In best effort routing,the routing protocol usually characterizes the network with a single metric,such as hop-count or delay,and uses a shortest path algorithm for path computation.Whereas the best-effort routing paradigm is adequate to serve the needs for traditional applications such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol),it is quite inadequate in providing the stringent Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees demanded by popular multimedia applications such as real-time digital video or audio transmission.To support a broad range of QoS requirements,routing protocols need to consider more complex models that incorporate multiple metrics,such as cost,delay,delay variation,loss probability,and bandwidth.This has triggered efforts toward proposals for QoS-based frameworks,QoS routing protocols and QoS routing algorithms.
Despite these efforts,there is no standardized QoS routing protocol for the Internet.To the best of our knowledge,the only standardized QoS routing protocol is ATM PNNI [1].Two activities are involved in routing:1) Capturing the network state information and disseminating the information throughout the network.This requires detection of significant changes,topology updates,distributed broadcasting (flooding) of the information to each node in the network,etc.2) Routing algorithms that compute the paths that satisfy certain performance guarantees.
In this paper,we are concerned with the latter,namely,QoS routing algorithms.QoS measures can be classified into three types of metrics,minimal (also called bottleneck,e.g.,bandwidth),multiple (e.g.,loss probability) and additive constraints (e.g.,delay).
Each measure is modeled by associating a weight with each link.For a minimal measure,the QoS weight of a path is the minimum weight along the path.In the case of additive measures such as cost,delay,and delay-jitter,the QoS weight of a path is the sum of the QoS weights of the links on the path.And for a multiple measure,the QoS weight of a path is the accumulation of the QoS weights of the links on the path.
In this paper,we are only concerned with one delay constraint and one loss probability constraint,and not concerned with the minimal measures.There are two reasons:
随着互联网的发展,路由技术已研究了越来越多的研究员.路由是一个根本性的问题在通信网络.在传统的数据网络,路由是所取得的最大的努力路由.尽力路由,主要是关注与提供连接.FIFO的提供最佳服务的努力.在这里,流动不区别,并提供服务,先到先得,额满即止.在尽力路由,路由协议,通常的特点,网络与一个单一的度量,如和合计数或迟延交付,并使用最短路径算法的路径计算.而最好的努力,路由范式是足够的服务需求,传统的应用如FTP (文件传输协议),这是相当不足,在提供了严格的服务质量( QoS )保证所要求的热门多媒体应用程式,如实时时间数字视频或音频传输.支持广泛的QoS需求,路由协议需要考虑更复杂的模型,把多个指标,如成本,延迟,延迟变化,损失的概率,和带宽.这引发了努力的建议,基于QoS的框架,QoS路由协议和QoS路由算法.
尽管有这些努力,是没有规范的 QoS路由协议为互联网.要尽我们所知,只有标准化的QoS路由协议是ATM的pnni [ 1 ] .两项活动涉及的路由:1 )捕捉网络状态信息和传播信息的整个网络.这就需要检测的重大变化,拓扑更新,分布式广播(水浸)的资料,以每个节点在网络中,等2 )路由算法计算路径,满足某些履约担保.
在本文中,我们所关注的后者,即QoS路由算法.QoS的措施可分为三种类型的数据,最小的(也称为瓶颈,例如,带宽) ,多个(例如,损失概率)和添加剂的限制(例如,延迟) .