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求 暮光之城中唯美句子中的中英文对白.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 18:51:58
求 暮光之城中唯美句子中的中英文对白.
Edward:Do I dazzle you? 我有没有让你神魂颠倒?
  Bella:Frequently. 经常.
  Bella:Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time,with the van,and that you've been interfering with fate?
  Edward:That wasn't the first time.Your number was up the first time I meet you.
  Edward:To me,it was like you were some kind of demon,summoned straight from my own personal hell to ruin me.
  Bella: How old are you?你多大了?
  Edward: Seventeen.17岁
  Bella: And how long have you been seventeen?满17岁多久了?
  Edward: A while.有一段时间了.
  Edward:Bring on the shackles—I'm your prisoner.把镣铐拿来——我被你俘虏了.
  Bella:About three things I was absolutely positive.First,Edward was a vampire.The second,there was a part of him— and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted of my blood.And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.有3件事我很确定第一,爱德华是一个吸血鬼;其次,在他身体内有一部分—我不知道是多大的部分—非常渴望我的鲜血;第三,我毫无保留地,不可救药地爱上了他.
  Edward:It's twilight.It's the safest time of day for us.The easiest time.But also the saddest,in a way…the end of another day,the reeturn of the night.Darkness is so predictable,don't you think?已经是暮色时分了.对我们而言,这是一天中最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻.在某种程度上却也是最伤感的时刻……有一天结束了,夜晚再次来临,黑暗总是如期而至,你觉得呢?
  Bella:I like the night.Without the dark,we'd never see the stars.我喜欢夜晚.没有黑夜,我们就永远看不见星星.
  Bella:You already know how I feel,of course.I'm here…which,roughly translated,means I woud rather die than stay away from you.I'm an idiot.你肯定知道我对你的感情.我就在这里……也就是说,我宁愿死也不愿和你分开.我真是个傻瓜.
  Edward:You are an idiot.And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…你的确是个傻瓜.这么说,狮子爱上了羔羊……
  Bella:What a stupid lamb!多愚蠢的羔羊啊!
  Edward: What a sick, masochistic lion.多霸道而变态的狮子啊!
  Edward:I know that at some point,something I tell you or something you see is going to be too much.And then you'll run away from me,screaming as you go.I won't stop you.I want this to happen,because I want you to be safe.And yet,I want to be with you.The two desires are impossible to reconcile…我知道总有一天,你会忍受不了我告诉你的或者你亲眼看到的事情,而从我身边逃走,惊叫着逃走.我不会阻拦你,其实我希望这一刻在点来到,因为我不想让你有什么危险,可是,我又特别想和你在一起.这两种愿望相互矛盾,很男调和……
  Bella:I'm not running anywhere.我不会逃走,我哪也不去.
  Edward:I love you,It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing,but it's still true.我爱你,这个借口苍白无力,可是是真的.
  Edward:Twilight,again.Another ending.No matter how perfect the day is,it always has to end.又是暮色时分了,又一天结束了.无论白天多完美,总有结束的一刻.
  Bella:Some things don't have to end.有些东西不一定非结束不可.
  Forbidden to Renmember,Terrified to Forgot
  I waited for the numbness to return,or the pain.because the pain must be coming.I'd broken my personal rules.Instead of shying away from
  the memories,I'd walked forward and greeted them.I'd heard his voice,
  so clearly,in my head.That was going to cost me,I was sure of it.
  Especially if I couldn't reclaim the haze to protect myself.I felt
  too alert,and that frightened me.
  But relief was still the strongest emotion in my body—refief that
  came from the very core of my being.
  As much as I struggled not to think of him,I did not struggle to
  forget.I worried—late in the night,when the exhaustion of sleep
  deprivation broke downmy defenses—that it was all slipping away.That
  my mind was asieve,and I would someday not be able to remember the
  precise color of his eyes,the feel of his cool skin,or the texture of
  his voice,I could not think of them,but I must remember them .
  Because there was just one thing that I had to know that he existed.That was all.Everthing else I could endnure.So long as he existed.
  That's why I was more trapped in Forks than I ever had been before,
  why I'd fought with Charlie when he suggested a change.Honestly,it
  shouldn't matter;no one was ever coming back here.
  But if I were to go to Jacksonville,or anywhere else brigt and
  unfamiliar,how could I be sure he was real?In a place where I could
  never imagine him,the conviction might fade…and that I could not
  live through.
  Forbidden to remember,terrified to forget;it was a hard line to