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Li Mu is a ten-year-old Chinese boy.What does he think of li

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:33:41
Li Mu is a ten-year-old Chinese boy.What does he think of life in the future?Let’s read the following.
●Every family will have their own house.They don’t need to pay (付费) for that.People won’t do any dull work because robots
will help them.The robots will help them wash the clothes,clean the house and cook the meals.
●People will spend more time reading all kinds of books with sound (声音).People only need to listen to them.
●A new kind of clothes will be made for policemen (警察).They will be very light.And they will be warm in winter and cool
in summer.The policemen can fly freely in this kind of clothes.
( ) 66.How old is Li Mu?
A.Nine years old.B.Ten years old.C.Eleven years old.
( ) 67.Li Mu thinks that every family will have their own ________.
A.car B.house C.park
( ) 68.Li Mu thinks robots won’t _________ for people.
A.clean the house B.cook the meals C.read the books
( ) 69.What do we know about the new kind of clothes?
A.They will be warm in four seasons.
B.They will be light but expensive.
C.The policemen can fly in this kind of clothes.
( ) 70.From the passage,we know _________.
A.people won’t go to work
B.people can buy a house at a low price
C.people will “listen to” the books