英语判断对错 发生事故5分钟后警察到达现场.The police arrived on the spot happene
英语判断对错 发生事故5分钟后警察到达现场.The police arrived on the spot happene
英语翻译 发生事故5分钟后警察到达现场.
英语翻译我们马上派一名警察前往现场(on the spot)她喜欢演喜剧,表演给她带来极大的乐趣.(get a kick
去现场看NBA能否说on the scene或者on the spot
26.The thief was__by the police on the spot at the railway s
26. The thief was__by the police on the spot at the railway
on the spot
When I arrived at the hospital,something strange was happene
英语翻译1.这样可以吗 he got caught by the police right on the spot ,w
到底发生了什么 what the hell has happened?what on earth has happene