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英语翻译In a healthy society,porn and lewd materials should have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:14:20
In a healthy society,porn and lewd materials should have no place in public life.Especially,they should be totally out of bounds for minors.However,for a long time such content has been just a few clicks away on many Chinese websites.How to effectively create a cleaner cyberspace remains a difficult task for the authorities.
But the difficulty is no reason to avoid the task or underestimate its importance.The latest round of anti-porn drive has not therefore come a day too soon.Its efforts to purify the Internet's environment for the healthy development of children are laudable,to say the least.The Ministry of Public Security and six other government agencies are working together to issue warnings to or shut websites according to law.
It is commendable that major companies such as Google and Baidu are targeted for the first time.The big search engines are among the most used by the general public including minors.So their failure to leave out vulgar content and eradicate links to pornographic sites is particularly inexcusable.It exposes children and teenagers to dangers and temptations that they are too young to cope with.
The campaign has been yielding positive results.Many websites have cooperated by taking more care to monitor content.It has raised the awareness of website managers that public distribution of pornography is illegal.In Shanghai alone,more than 35,000 online entries of indecent topics were deleted within a week of the launch of the campaign.However,such campaigns in the past have proved that the effect is short-lived.Periodically limiting the spread of pornography online is not sufficient for porn and lewd content return after each campaign ends.Long-standing measures must be the real remedy.It is important to cut off the interest chain behind porn websites and remove the roots of porn content.Most domestic websites survive on advertisements.And advertisements are placed on websites which enjoy higher number of page views and hits.Many websites stop at nothing to attract the attention of Web users,including offering erotic materials or providing links to them.It is important that the business models of these websites are put under scrutiny.Service providers and the telecommunications departments are also involved because many porn websites need to rent server space,and charge money through mobile phones.Therefore we should have legislation for joint liabilities.The service providers should not turn a blind eye to the harmful content when renting the channels.Departments providing telecommunications facilities and payment channels should also clean up their acts and cooperate in this anti-porn campaign by refusing the profits from porn websites.
在一个健康的社会,色(河蟹) 情和猥(河蟹) 亵的材料应该在任何地方公共生活.特别是,他们应该完全出边线为未成年人.然而,在很长一段时间如此的内容仅是一个极少的点击次数走了很多中国的网站.如何有效地建立一个清洁网络是个艰巨的任务,因为政府.
这是值得称赞的,大公司,如谷歌和百度的目标客户是第一次.中间的大搜索引擎是应用最广泛的被大众包括未成年人.所以他们未能离开内容粗俗和消除连接到色(河蟹) 情网站特别不可原谅的.它揭露了儿童和青少年对危险和诱(河蟹) 惑,他们太年轻,不能妥善处理.
这项运动已经开花结果.许多网站已经合作以更认真地监控的内容.它增加了公众意识的网站管理者,分布的色 情是违法的.在上海,超过35,000人单独的在线条目不雅观的主题都删除一个星期内的发射了竞选.然而,这类的活动,在过去已经证明了这种效果是短暂的.定期限制网上色 情 (河蟹) 淫 (河蟹) 秽内容的传播是不彀的色(河蟹) 情和猥(河蟹) 亵的内容竞选结束后复出的每一个.长期的措施必须真正的补救措施.它是重要的切断利益链和消除色(河蟹) 情网站背后的根源进行了色 (河蟹) 情内容.许多国内网站存活下来的广告.和广告都放在网站,享有较高的数量的页面请求访问量和支安打.许多网站不择手段的注意力吸引用户,包括提供网上色 情材料或提供链接到他们.这是十分重要的商业模式是在这些网站的审查.服务提供商和电信部门也参与了进来,因为许多色 (河蟹) 情网站需要租服务器空间和电荷钱是通过移动电话.因此,我们应该有立法以连带责任.服务提供者不应该睁一只眼闭一只眼的有害内容当租这个渠道.部门提供电信设施和支付渠道也应该清理他们的行为和合作运动在这anti-porn拒绝的利润从色(河蟹) 情网站.