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It is for two reasons:one is that from time to time we need

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:18:01
It is for two reasons:one is that from time to time we need to retierate to ourselves some.
It is for two reasons:one is that from time to time we need to retierate to ourselves some truths that,without such retieration,may well recede into the background of one's concerns;and the other is the present situation in which we find ourselves with regard to launguage.
1.我查了recede into the background 是短语,但是后面跟了 of one's concerns,不懂.2.we find ourselves .这个不理解
1.recede是不及物动词,没有宾语.of one's concerns是定语修饰background.one's是泛指的“人”,虽然是单数但是中文习惯要翻译为复数的“人们”.
recede into the background of one's concerns
2.in which we find ourselves是定语从句修饰situation.如果把which所指代的the present situation代入这个句子,并且把倒置的in还原,句子就不难理解了:
we find ourselves in the present situation
至于楼上两位所说都有问题.这句话出于一篇很正式的专栏,不可能用所谓的“非标准用语方言”.find ourselves也不是“找到自我”.都什么啊.
再问: 请问您background这个词该怎么理解啊?“因为和背景在一起所以你就视而不见了”中文意思愣是没看懂,这个背景指的是啥啊?
再答: 哦,是因为recede into the background相当于一种形象的比喻,即一个图形独自看的时候看得很清楚,但是和背景放在一起,就因为背景的干扰而看不清楚了。背景就是指所有其它吸引你注意力的东西。其实这个表达很难找到真正自然的翻译,通常翻译为"失去了重要性",不过这个翻译没有原文的味道。