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请教下面一句中put in on his shoulder 是否可写put in it on his shoulder,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 19:23:03
请教下面一句中put in on his shoulder 是否可写put in it on his shoulder,或put it in on his shoulder
That night,when the moon was high in the sky,
Ruben went quietly to his barn where he filled a sack with wheat and put in on
his shoulder.
上文提到 “他在谷仓用麦子把麻袋装满(where he filled a sackwith wheat)”,下文应该是 “把它放在肩上(put it on his shoulder)”,可见原句有错,put in on 中的 in 应该改为指代 the sack 的代词 it.
  你可能看出了其中的错误,因此想到在 put in on his shoulder 中插入漏掉的宾语.put in the sack 或 put the sack in 的意思是 “放入麻袋” 或 “把麻袋放入”,但这样就与后面的 on his shoulder 发生了矛盾,在肩膀上怎么把麻袋放入呢?放入到哪里?
  虽然你提到的改用问题与本句无关,但是话又说回来,put in 属于 “动词 + 副词” 结构的短语动词.这类动词需要带有宾语.如果宾语是名词,该名词可以放在副词后面,也可以放在动词和副词中间;但是如果宾语是人称代词,该代词必须放在动词和副词中间.如:
  put on he sack 或 put the sack in 都可以,但是 put in it 不行,只能用 put it in