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What do you miss most in your home?三分钟口语啊 大哥大姐棒棒忙啊.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 02:13:15
What do you miss most in your home?三分钟口语啊 大哥大姐棒棒忙啊.
1 What do you miss most in your home?
  2 Which one do you prefer,on-line education or traditional education?
  3 What do you think are the characteristics of a good teacher?
  4 Every one has some goals,describe one of your goals.
  5 Do you agree or disagree:people should always tell the truth?
  6 Who do you admire most?Why?
  7 Long-term contact and first impression,which do you think can help you best to know a person?Why?
  8 Which one do you prefer?live alone or with roommates?
  9 Describe the most important object to you.
  10 Novel,magazine or poem,which one do you prefer?
这些都是题目 任选一个题目作答 哪位大哥大姐文笔好帮帮忙啊 三分钟口语.
I disagree people should always tell the truth.Everyone knows it's right to tell the truth.But in some special situations,we have to tell a lie.For example,a patient gets a serious cancer,but he has not kown it yet.Now he asks us what happen to him.How should we answer?Tell the truth or tell a lie?We have to lie to him because we want to let him feel hopeful.So we must lie to others in some special situations.But not the truth.