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英语翻译Hi.IŽm very happy to hear what you like,because I l

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:04:57
IŽm very happy to hear what you like,because I like the same things.But I donŽt know what Ktv is?I`m very excited to meet you,your family and to get to know life in China and in your house.Have you got any pets?In Germany we have a detached house with a big garden.If the weather is good you can spend a lot of time there.Do we have a long way to Xiang Ming High School?Do we have to drive by bus to it I think that the High School must be very big so that some people have a long way to reach it,because Shanghai is such a big city.Will we sleep together in one room or in separate rooms?I think IŽm not a very complicated girl.My favourite food is e.g.noodles,chicken,rice,pizza and Wan Tan,but I donŽt like fish at all.I like to drink fruit juices mixed water,coke,lemonade and mineral water but I hate coffee.What do you drink and eat in your family for breakfast,lunch and dinner?In the easter holidays I was in New York,there we visited Chinatown.The food we saw there in the shops was completely different from European food.It looked very unfamiliar to us.But there was an ice-cream shop in which very delicious ice-cream was available.
Lots of love Laura
↗就这些玩意儿 很多乱七八糟的词语诶...
顺便再问一句 Wan Tan在德国是什么鬼东西..
我非常愉快的听见您喜欢什么,因为我喜欢同样的事物. 但是我不知道知道什么是Ktv?! 遇见您我非常激动,知道您在中国的家庭、房子以及生活. 您有宠物吗? 在德国我们有一个独立式住宅,里面有一个大庭院.如果天气好,您能花费很多时间在那里. 我们离Xiang Ming高中是不是很远?必须乘公共汽车到那里吗?[我认为高中一定是非常大的,以便某些人民有长的路到达它,因为上海是这样一个大城市.](这句有点乱,应该是说上海很大,高中的规模也应该会很大) 我们将睡在一间房间呢还是一人一间?我认为我不是一个非常麻烦的女孩. 我喜爱的食物是面条、鸡、米、披萨和[Wan Tan] (如果根据我在国外的经验来猜测的话,应该是云吞,也就是馄饨) ,但是我一点也不喜欢吃鱼. 我喜欢喝果汁,可乐,柠檬汁和矿泉水,但是我讨厌咖啡.您在您的家里早餐、午餐和晚餐都吃什么呢? 复活节假日我在纽约,在那里我们参观了唐人街. 我们在那的商店里看到的食物跟欧式食物完全不同.对我们来说它看起来很不熟悉.但是那有家非常可口的冰淇凌店,里面有很多可以吃的好吃的冰淇淋.
看看吧 我翻译的最好哈.楼上的用机译的说,翻的不准哈.
我还有括号里的注解嘿 :)