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英语翻译The Bigger Bang is one of this country's hardest working

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 08:38:41
The Bigger Bang is one of this country's hardest working bands:the foursome came out of nowhere and spent the better part of the past two years blasting through a countless string of gigs at just about every live music venue in the country.
They're now set to release their debut EP When Planets Explode!on Sat,June 6 at D-22.
The unsigned quartet,led by Guangzhou native Pupi,cut the EP earlier this spring,said band manager Li Zhao,explaining that the entire process was a DIY effort."They recorded everything in the bedroom and another friend of ours edited all of the songs," she wrote in a text message."We self-produced it."
In doing so,they've managed to execute a much-needed step in this city's musical development:the successful construction of a bridge between the oft-cited "Beijing sound" -- embodied by chiming guitars and gritty,cathartic vocals cast over a spry late-1970s New York post-punk bounce -- to more accessible,mainstream pop sensibilities characterized by infectious,synth-heavy choruses and indelible,hook-ridden melodies.
Highlight track is the kick-off single "Oh,You!," a winsome nugget of pure,er,New New Wave pop:Pupi alternatively snarls and coos while Abe Gan's synthesizers happily bubble away in the background,making way for an instantly-memorable chorus destined to act as a summertime dance floor demolisher -- especially if given the remix treatment with one of this city's top notch producers (LIman,please report for duty).
Critics' accolades withstanding,we think that wider exposure can only be made possible,in part,if even a minority of this city's box club DJs and bar owners ever decide to extract their heads from their collective money-clogged backsides to look inwards for quality dance floor anthems to get the masses to shake their asses in lieu of stupidly spinning CD-R compilations of last year's Billboard Hot 100 countdown and generic techno trash.
That's not to say that Planets ventures entirely into groundbreaking,crossover dance territory ("Cry for Young" sticks to the seasoned post-punk recipe of jarring guitars,high-hat riding and stop-on-a-dime tempo changes; "She" trots along quietly at a midtempo clip,with vulnerable vocals awash in a bath of lukewarm digital effects) but the 5-song effort is a certainly a step away from the status quo and towards more innovative pastures.
The Bigger Bang is a refreshing and promising young band.Our city needs more artists like them.
Psychedelic rock act Scoff and 8-Bit producer Sulumi will provide support at the release party for When Planets Explode!; Sat,June 6 at D-22.
这样做,他们设法执行在这个城市的音乐发展的大量需求的步:一座桥梁的成功的建筑在oft-cited “北京声音之间的” -- 实现通过鸣响吉他和在一次敏捷的20世纪70年代末纽约岗位废物跳动的粗砂,净化vocals塑象 -- 对感染,synth重的合唱和不可磨灭,勾子乘坐的曲调描绘的更加容易接近,更加主流的流行音乐感觉.
Highlight轨道开球选拔“哦,您!”,迷人的矿块纯净,唔,新的新一轮流行音乐:Pupi二者择一地咆哮并且咕咕叫,当Abe Gan的合成器在背景中时愉快地起泡,做被注定的立即难忘的合唱的方式作为夏令时舞池demolisher -- 特别是,如果给与这个城市的顶面山谷生产商之一的再混合治疗(LIman,为义务请报告).
That不是说行星完全地冒险入开创性,天桥舞蹈疆土(“年轻”棍子的啼声对刺激的吉他、傲慢的骑马和停止在角钱拍子经验丰富的岗位废物食谱改变; “她”平静地小跑在midtempo夹子,与脆弱的vocals充满温热数字式作用),但是5歌曲努力浴一定是步远离现状和往更加创新的牧场地.
当行星爆炸,Psychedelic岩石行动嘲笑和8位生产商Sulumi将提供支持在发行党为!; 星期六,在D-22的6月6日.