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英语翻译翻译时要用到括号里的词哦,不要用翻译工具直译谢谢~1.她的话等于拒绝参加开幕式.(amount to)2.小丑滑

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:14:43
翻译时要用到括号里的词哦,不要用翻译工具直译谢谢~1.她的话等于拒绝参加开幕式.(amount to)2.小丑滑稽的表演把观众逗乐了.(amuse)3.他三年前开始做生意.(enter upon)4.发言人超长的讲话让他们感到无聊.(bore)5.他是一名投资咨询员,乐意为客户提供各种所需的信息.(furnish)6.他做出租车司机之前做邮递员为生.(gain a livelihood)7.在人的一生中,十年是一段短暂的时间.(主谓一致)8.他们中没有人听说过这名作家.(主谓一致)9.他是一个做好事不求任何回报的人.(reward)10.这项协议对他们公司而言毫无风险.(risk-free)11.如果受伤了,我们就应该拍X光片,我认为这是理所当然的.(granted)12.无论你做什么,对我都没有什么影响.(difference)13.虽然她看到很沮丧,但是她没有放弃理想.(in spite,weigh)14.就如同埃菲尔铁塔代表了巴黎,位于港湾的悉尼歌剧院代表澳大利亚.(.as...situate)  谢谢大家了~13.虽然
Translation to use the word in parentheses Oh, do not use translation tool interpreter Thank you ~ ~ I will be a plus ~ ~ ~ 1. Her words is equal to refuse to participate in the opening ceremony. (amount to). funny clown's performances the audience amused. (amuse) 3. he started his business three years ago. (enter upon a) 4. spokesman for the long speech bored. (bore) 5. he was an investment counselor, happy to provide all the necessary information. (furnish). him to do the taxi driver to do the postman for a living. (gain a livelihood) in the person's life, ten years is a short period of time. (Main verb agree). None of them have heard of this famous writer. (Main verb agree). He is a good job do not seek anything in return. (reward) 10. this agreement without risk to their companies (risk-free) 11 injured, we should shoot the X-ray, I think this is a matter of course. (granted) 12. Whether you what to do, I have no effect (difference) 13. she saw very frustrating, but she did not give up the ideal (in spite, weigh) 14. as the Eiffel Tower of Paris, the Sydney Opera House in Harbour on behalf of Australia. (. as ... situate) Thank you ~ ~ ~ online ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13.
英语翻译翻译时要用到括号里的词哦,不要用翻译工具直译谢谢~1.她的话等于拒绝参加开幕式.(amount to)2.小丑滑 英语翻译翻译要用到括号里的词,不要用翻译工具直译哦,1.证据确凿,他不得不低头认罪.(proof)2.这种金鱼对环境的适 英语翻译要用到括号里的词翻译.不要用翻译工具直译哦谢谢了~翻得好我还会另外加分的~1.我们必须记住可以古为今用,洋为中用 英语翻译中翻英文,要用到括号里的词,不要用翻译工具直译谢谢~1,过去我们没见过这么严重的食品问题.(Never.)(ne 英语翻译不要用翻译工具直译哦~要用到括号里的词~1.直到上世纪60年代,人们的探月梦想才得以实现.(Not...)(倒装 英语翻译中翻英,注意要用到括号里的词~请不要用翻译工具来直译~1,我们学校刚建的礼堂可以容纳2000多师生.(hold) 英语翻译要用到括号里的词进行翻译,不要直译,1.布朗家已经搬了好几次,因为他们总是和隔壁邻居闹纠纷.(trouble)2 英语翻译请不要借助翻译工具,感觉不对的.1.Mary'将她宝宝的脸蛋比作苹果(用到compare to)2.这根塑料小棍 英语翻译翻译要用到括号里的词 英语翻译要用到括号里的词,不要用翻译软件,人工翻译,1.我在列出席会议人员名单时,把你的名字漏了(leave out)2 万箭穿心,习惯就好。 英文怎么翻译?不要网上翻译工具的直译,谢谢! 英语翻译拒绝直译用翻译器的话我也会,求正规翻译