作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

求英语五分钟对话 与客户在餐厅吃饭 或者是邀请客户去餐厅吃饭的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 10:04:43
求英语五分钟对话 与客户在餐厅吃饭 或者是邀请客户去餐厅吃饭的
A:"Hello Mr.xxx!"
B:"Oh, hello! It's nice that you called, I was just about to call you!”
A:"Great! So what do you think about the design I sent you last night?"
B:"Beg your pardon?"
A:"The design, Mr.xxx."
B:"The design? Of my house?"
A:"Yes, did you saw it?"
B:"Oh no, I don't think so, let me check my email."
B:"Would you mind waiting me for about two minutes on phone? I have my computer opened, now I just have to log into my email account."
A:"I can wait, take your time, I'm not in a rush, just checking to see if you are okay with the design."
B:"Good. Please wait, thank you."
B:"I think it's amazing! Thank you so much."
A:"You're welcome, it's my honor, and my job as a designer."
B:"Ummm...My wife and I thought that there is still a little bit of changes needed to be done, sorry to cause you trouble. Over all, this is great! We really appreciate it."
A:"Oh never mind. This is just the draft, not the final solution yet."
B:"Is it?"
A:"Indeed, the designer has to design the house according to the owner's opinions of course!"
B:"Oh yes, would you mind if I send you how we want to change the design a little bit?"
A:"I think it's a little difficult for me to do that, it would be much better for me to meet in person with you and your wife and talk about the changes."
B:"Oh, so do you want to meet at a restaurant?"
A:"Sure, but still, if you insist to send it to me, it would be fine as well."
B:"It's okay, we'll meet up then."
A:"Sure, when and where do you want to meet up?"
B:"Do you know the restaurant at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(这是某地址)?
A:"Yes! In fact, I went there last Saturday."
B:"Perfect, then can my wife and I meet you there tomorrow night, at six?"
A:"I'm free all day tomorrow."
B:"Good, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then!"
A:"Sure, goodbye Mr.xxx."
B:"Bye, see you tomorrow!"