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猜出划线部分的含义:1.It never rains ,it pours.Our shop had only one v

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:31:11
1.It never rains ,it pours.Our shop had only one visitor this morning.But at around 4pm we had more than twenty and a group of tourists came at the same time.
2.Bad luck!It’s raining cats and dogs.We have to stay at home.
Do you like watching w________ soccer?Those girls are really great!
在1里面,“It never rains ,it pours.” 是划线的
在2里面,“It’s raining cats and dogs ”是划线的
1 祸不单行
It never rains it pours.
不知是巧合还是什么,倒霉的事通常都会接二连三的发生.中文有句话叫‘祸不单行’,其实英文也有相同的说法:It never rains it pours.(不雨则已,一雨倾盆) 也就是喻意‘祸不单行’.
2 It’s raining cats and dogs
women soccer 女足
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